Lung Zurich

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legal form society
founding 1908
Seat Pfingstweidstrasse 10, 8005 Zurich
motto Helps. Informed. Works.
Chair Alexander Turk (President)
Managing directors Michael Schlunegger
Employees around 70

The Lunge Zurich Association is a non-profit organization from the Canton of Zurich. Its purpose is to combat lung diseases , respiratory problems and tuberculosis . On a non-profit basis and without pursuing gainful or self-help purposes, the association promotes health and prevention as well as treatment, advice and care, support, training and research in the areas of lung and respiratory diseases and tuberculosis.


Lunge Zurich, formerly Zurich Lung League, is one of 19 cantonal lung leagues in Switzerland and belongs to the Swiss Lung League . Lunge Zurich is organized as an association and has a board of directors consisting of nine people. The Lunge Zurich association employs around 70 people, the majority of whom are nurses. In addition to the headquarters on Pfingstweidstrasse in Zurich, the association has three other advice centers in Zurich, Winterthur and Uster. Lunge Zurich cares for and treats around 13,000 people with lung diseases every year.


People with a lung disease are referred to Lunge Zurich for further advice and support from doctors and hospitals. Lunge Zurich is also running a " Tuberculosis Center to Fight Tuberculosis" on behalf of the canton . The association works with various health organizations.


The goal of Lunge Zurich is to improve the quality of life of people who are affected by a lung disease and their relatives. This includes information about health-damaging and health-promoting influences, advice and support, instruction in the use of breathing aids and the promotion of independence. Another goal is to maintain intact environmental and living conditions by promoting awareness of healthy lungs and clean air.


The Zurich Lunge Association was founded in 1908 as the “League to Fight Tuberculosis ”, which between 1850 and 1950 caused thousands of deaths in Switzerland. The main tasks of Lunge Zurich, at that time still the "Zurich Cantonal League for Combating Tuberculosis", were the early detection and elimination of sources of tuberculosis infection, education, advice and support for those affected and their relatives as well as targeted education of the population. Between 1903 and 1922, various leagues to fight tuberculosis were founded throughout Switzerland. Thanks to the work of the medical profession, the leagues that campaigned for the fight against the disease, and the authorities, tuberculosis mortality in the Canton of Zurich was reduced by 50 percent by 1933. Further medical advances and the development of drugs led to a massive decrease in the number of infections. The mandate of the "cantonal league to combat tuberculosis" subsequently changed, also at the request of the medical profession in the canton of Zurich, in the direction of advising and caring for people with respiratory and lung diseases .

Association of the lung leagues

With the new tasks, the name also changed: In 1998, the cantonal leagues, which had previously only been loosely connected, were merged under the Swiss Lung League and renamed accordingly. At that time, three different organizations existed in the canton of Zurich : the Lung League Zurich City, Zurich Canton and the "Lung League of the Districts of Winterthur and Andelfingen ". Between 2001 and 2004 these were merged to form the Zurich Lung League.

Initiative «Protection against passive smoking»

On June 26, 2006, Lunge Zurich submitted the cantonal popular initiative “Protection against passive smoking” with over 26,000 signatures. The popular initiative called for smoke-free restaurants in the canton of Zurich . Two years later, on September 28, 2008, the initiative was accepted by the Zurich electorate with 57% yes-votes. In 2010, smoking was banned across Switzerland by federal law in most restaurants and bars as well as in closed public spaces and workrooms.

Name change

Over the years, the Zurich Lung League has increasingly developed into a competence center for questions and advice on all aspects of lung health and clean air. For this reason, the Zurich Lung League was renamed the Zurich Lung Club in 2010. On the one hand as a linguistic modernization, on the other hand to give expression to the environmental concept of clean air and healthy lungs. At the same time, the color and logo changed from a green tree to blue lungs.

In 2019, Lunge Zurich celebrated its 111th anniversary.

Activities / areas of activity / services

Advice and support

The core competence of Lunge Zurich lies in advising and caring for people with lung diseases. This includes renting oxygen devices, regular controls of the devices in the advice centers or at the patients' homes, accompanying the therapy and advising on questions. One focus is on the lung diseases COPD , sleep apnea and asthma . But also rare lung diseases (orphan diseases) belong to the range of services of the organization.

Tuberculosis Center

As before, around 100 people fall ill with tuberculosis in the canton of Zurich every year , and around 500 people throughout Switzerland. The Lunge Zurich Tuberculosis Center works on a service mandate from the Canton and the City of Zurich to combat tuberculosis. The employees carry out tuberculosis tests and provide advice, therapy support and care for tuberculosis sufferers. Another task is to carry out preventive and environmental examinations to combat the disease and protect the population.


With various prevention projects such as the LuftiBus, the environmental educational project Baumwelten, a diverse course program, advice on quitting smoking and information campaigns, Lunge Zürich provides information about various lung diseases and the importance of clean air. With information (leaflets and brochures), the association takes a preventive stand for healthy lungs and clean indoor and outdoor air.


The LuftiBus is the lung test and information bus from Lunge Zurich. He has been traveling all over Switzerland since 1991 to carry out lung function tests, also known as spirometry, at various locations and events. These provide information about the volume and condition of the lungs and thus serve the prevention and early detection of lung diseases. The bus can be rented by schools, companies, communities and other organizations.

Tree worlds

Baumwelten is an environmental educational project by Lunge Zurich. As part of Baumwelten, environmental educators visit the forest with a school class once every season of the year to explain the meaning and function of trees to the students and to show them the relationship between the forest, clean air and breathing. 60 school classes in grades 3 to 5 from the canton of Zurich can take part in the project every year.

Course program

Lunge Zurich runs various courses for people with lung disease, their relatives and risk groups, which are designed to improve the way people deal with the disease and make preventive measures. This includes coaching for people with respiratory diseases, breathing and exercise courses, cooking courses especially for people with lung diseases and experience sharing groups as well as various offers for children.

Quit smoking advice

The consultation is carried out by trained smoking cessation advisors and includes six personal and two telephone conversations. Individual support is carried out at different locations. With this service, those interested in quitting are given inexpensive support. The cessation of smoking is professionally accompanied by a pulmonologist. The use of additional aids, such as nicotine replacement products and smoking cessation drugs, increases the likelihood of successfully quitting smoking.

Information material

Lunge Zurich provides information on current topics relating to lung health and clean air by means of various brochures and leaflets and is the point of contact for questions on these topics.

Medical congress and specialist conferences

Lunge Zurich has been organizing the medical congress in Davos every year since 1946 with over 1000 participants, i. H. Doctors, interns, medical nurses and exhibitors. Lectures and workshops by top-class speakers on various medical topics will take place over the course of three days. Lunge Zurich also organizes other specialist conferences together with the University Hospital Zurich, such as the COPD Day, which has existed since 2014, or the Dyspnea Symposium since 2018. Both events are aimed at general practitioners and contain lectures and workshops on topics related to pulmonology. In addition, Lunge Zurich has been sponsoring the nanoparticle conference at the ETH "ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles" since 2010. Representatives from research, industry and lawmakers from all over the world come together at the conference and discuss all aspects of nanoparticles, aging in the ambient air, technical aspects of damage reduction, the effects of particles on health, the environment and climate, and particle legislation.


Lunge Zurich works largely self-supporting with health insurance funded services on behalf of a doctor. Membership fees, donations and bequests are available as further sources of finance, especially for prevention projects. The income from the annual medical congress for basic providers in Davos is made available for research activities.

Individual evidence


Coordinates: 47 ° 23 '17 "  N , 8 ° 31' 5.5"  E ; CH1903:  six hundred eighty-one thousand five hundred twelve  /  249142