Lunik catfish

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Lunik catfish
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Subordination : Loricarioidei
Family : Armored and calloused catfish (Callichthyidae)
Genre : Corydoras
Type : Lunik catfish
Scientific name
Corydoras caudimaculatus
Rössel , 1961

The Lunik armored catfish ( Corydoras caudimaculatus ) is a freshwater ornamental fish of the genus Corydoras . It is 4–6 cm tall and is native to the Rio Guaporé region in South America .


The high-backed Lunik armored catfish reaches a body length of about 6 cm. It has the characteristic black dots in many Corydoras species in vertical and oblique rows on a silver-gray to silvery-white body, the pectoral and pelvic fins are yellowish to orange in color. Between the eyes there is a dark area that is only blurred and at the base of the caudal fin there is a black spot that extends to the pelvic fin.


The Lunik armored catfish is quite suitable for keeping in aquariums , where it is mostly close to the ground, but as an intestinal breather it also needs access to the water surface. The offspring is rather problematic. Each female lays only about 40 eggs, the offspring should be cared for at temperatures of 26 to 28 ° C.
