Rehau Mint

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The Rehau mint was one of the twelve tipper mints in the Principality of Bayreuth . Among those mints, where only smaller coins - groschen (but not the smallest ones - pfennigs and hellers ) - were minted, it is the one that opened the latest. It was only in operation within 1622.


A bailiff of Margrave Christian Hans Heinrich von Reitzenstein auf Selbitz appeared as a coin entrepreneur , the same one who also ran the Schauenstein mint . As a margrave chamberlain , he originally only had to control the silver trade. Von Reitzenstein received the official license to operate this mint on March 5, 1522. This means that he set up the mint without having a permit. It is not known exactly where it was established. Joachim Fründt probably also acted as mint master here, who was mainly obliged in Schauenstein. The same painter Hans Friedrich Brentel (II) who was employed in Schauenstein also seems to be working here as a coin cutter . Production started at the beginning of March, apparently shortly after the operating license was issued.

When the margrave's secretary Andreas Heidemann appeared there on September 28, 1622 to end the minting operation, the operations manager was pleased that he no longer had to carry out the work ordered by his employer von Reitzenstein and indicated any irregularities that had occurred . The inventory drawn up on October 4, 1622 shows that copper was still present when the company closed down. Due to a missing delivery for three weeks, it could not be processed. Since it is known that the Neustadt am Kulm mint was the only one with a license for the production of copper coins, this information can only be interpreted to mean that the minting of copper coins in Rehau was planned, but that it no longer came about . The Schlagschatz was not taken away because von Reitzenstein operated the larger mint, the Schauenstein, where it was taken away.

Notes and individual references

  1. ^ Gerhard Schön: Münz- und Geldgeschichte ... , p. 105
  2. a b Gerhard Schön: Münz- und Geldgeschichte ... , p. 241
  3. ^ Gerhard Schön: Münz- und Geldgeschichte ... , p. 290
  4. ^ Gerhard Schön: Münz- und Geldgeschichte ... , p. 127
  5. ^ Gerhard Schön: Münz- und Geldgeschichte ... , p. 199
  6. ^ Gerhard Schön: Münz- und Geldgeschichte ... , p. 241/2
  7. ^ Gerhard Schön: Münz- und Geldgeschichte ... , p. 242
  8. ^ Gerhard Schön: Münz- und Geldgeschichte ... , p. 110
