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Mürtschenalp in summer

The Mürtschenalp is an alp in the Swiss canton of Glarus . It is located at an altitude of around 1490  m above sea level. M. in a western side valley of the Murg valley .

The Mürtschenalp is the only place in the canton of Glarus where the Swiss stone pine is found in large numbers. Earlier it was copper ore mined and there is occurrence of pitchblende .

The Mürtschental and the Murgtal have been part of the federal inventory of landscapes and natural monuments of national importance since 1977 . It is part of the circular hiking trail over the Murgseefurggel and the Murgseen . In summer, overnight accommodation is offered in an alpine hut .


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Coordinates: 47 ° 4 '11.6 "  N , 9 ° 10' 13.9"  E ; CH1903:  731540  /  214,660