Federal inventory of landscapes and natural monuments of national importance

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The Federal Inventory of Landscapes and Natural Monuments of National Importance ( BLN for short ) includes protected landscapes and natural objects in Switzerland . The oldest federal inventory currently lists 162 objects that are distributed across the entire country.

The origin of the federal inventory was the KLN inventory (inventory of the landscapes and natural monuments to be preserved of national importance) , which was created in 1963 on the private initiative of Pro Natura , Swiss Heritage Protection and the Swiss Alpine Club .


The basis for the inventory is the Federal Law on Nature Conservation and Home Protection (NHG), which came into force on July 1, 1966. 162 objects were recorded in four series between 1977 and 1998, which are divided into the following three types:

The objects included in the inventory should remain undiminished and deserve the greatest possible protection. The BLN is binding for federal agencies with landscape-related activities and these may not intervene unless there is an equal or higher public interest of national importance. However, the BLN itself has no direct legal effect on the property: The inclusion in the inventory is not per se a nature conservation status under protection; this is generally done through the inclusion in the structure or usage plans.

The objects in the federal inventory are also included in the cantonal landscape inventories , where the collection is supplemented by regional and local landscape protection areas and elements that shape the landscape (such as geomorphological features).

Protected objects

Protected landscapes and natural monuments are:

number Surname admission Revisions photo
1001 Left bank of Lake Biel 1977 Swiss le landeron 2.JPG
1002 Chasseral 1977 Col du Chasseral.jpg
1003 Tourbière des Ponts-de-Martel 1977 Martel-Hochmoor-2.jpg
1004 Creux du Van and Gorges de l'Areuse 1977 2014-03-30 - Creux du Van 173128.jpg
1005 Vallée de la Brévine 1977 1983 Vallée de la Brévine.jpg
1006 Vallée du Doubs 1977 1998 Doubs from Roches de Moron.jpg
1007 La Dole 1977 1983 La Dole.jpg
1008 Franches-Montagnes 1977 1983 Jhurasa Kampara Muzeo 142.JPG
1009 Gorges du Pichoux 1977 1996 2010-08-09 Sornetan (Photo Dietrich Michael Weidmann) 008.JPG
1010 Weissenstein 1977 Feldbrunnen042.jpg
1011 Warehouse area 1977 Lägern von Osten.jpg
1012 Belchen - Passwang area 1983 1996 Passwang-Pasejvojo en Muemliswil-Ramiswil 554.JPG
1013 Les Roches de Châtoillon 1983 1998
1014 Chassagne 1983 1998
1015 Pied sud du Jura proche de La Sarraz 1983 La-Sarraz-Village.jpg
1016 Aarewaage Aarburg 1996 Aarewaage02.jpg
1017 Aargau and eastern Solothurn folded Jura 1996 Line 4018000.JPG
1018 Aare gorge Brugg 1996 Brugg picture 003.jpg
1019 Moated castle (confluence Aare / Reuss / Limmat ) 1996 Moated Castle 05-05-01 024.jpg
1020 Ravellenflue and Chluser Roggen near Oensingen 1996
1021 Gorges de Moutier 1996 Picswiss BE-97-02 View towards the Klus von Moutier (Gorges de Moutier) .jpg
1022 Vallée de Joux and Haut-Jura vaudois 1998 Vallee de joux.jpg
1023 Le Mormont 1998 1983 Eclépens, Le Mormont, site Proto-historique et âge du Fer.jpg
1101 Etangs de Bonfol and de Vendlincourt 1977 Bonfol-Etang-du-milieu.jpg
1102 Beets 1977 Hallau Randen 132.jpg
1103 Koblenzerlauf 1977 Koblenz Laufen.jpg
1104 Table Jura north of Gelterkinden 1983 1996
1105 Baselbieter and Fricktaler Tafeljura 1983 1996
1106 Chill out at Diegten 1983
1107 Gempen Plateau 1983 Aerial View - Gempen2.jpg
1108 Aargau Table Jura 1996 Geissberg 9503.jpg
1109 Aare landscape near Klingnau 1996
1110 Wangen- and Osterfingertal 1996 1998 Wp-wangental.jpg
1201 La Cote 1977 1998 Swiss-Gilly-village.jpg
1202 Lavaux 1977 1998 2009-08-27 Lake Geneva 414.JPG
1203 Greves vaudoises de la rive gauche du lac de Neuchâtel 1977 1996
1204 Le Rhône genevois-Vallons de l'Allondon et de La Laire 1977 Pont Moulin Fabry.jpg
1205 Bois de Chênes 1977
1206 Coteaux de Cortaillod et de Bevaix 1977 1998 Cortaillodvigne.jpg
1207 Marais de la Haute Versoix 1977 1998
1208 South shore of Lake Neuchâtel 1983
1209 Mont Vully 1983 Mont Vully.jpg
1210 Chanivaz - delta de l'Aubonne 1996
1301 St. Petersinsel - Heidenweg 1977 1996 Heideweg and St. Petersinsel.JPG
1302 Alte Aare / Alte Zihl 1977 AlteAare2.JPG
1303 Hallwilersee 1977 Halwiler see02.jpg
1304 Baldeggersee 1977 Baldeggersee and Gelfigen web.jpg
1305 Reuss landscape 1977
1306 Albiskette - Reppischtal 1983 Albiskette2.jpg
1307 Glacial landscape between Lorzentobel and Sihl with chain of caves 1993 Hirzel Drumlins.jpg
1308 Rothenthurm - Altmatt - Biberbrugg moorland 1983
1309 Lake Zug 1983 Risch Zugersee.JPG
1310 Lucerne Glacier Garden 1983 Panorama Glacier Garden.jpg
1311 Napfbergland 1983 1996 Picswiss BE-92-04 Lüderenalp (Kurhaus Hotel) .jpg
1312 Mats of water in the Langete , Rot and Önz valleys 1983 Melchnau water mats 3.jpg
1313 Steinhof - Steinenberg - Burgäschisee 1983 Schilfaeschisee.jpg
1314 Aare landscape Thun - Bern 1983
1315 Amsoldinger and Uebeschisee 1983 Uebeschisee05.jpg
1316 Niederried reservoir 1983
1317 Terminal moraine zone of Staffelbach 1996
1318 Wauwilermoos - Hagimoos - Mauensee 1996 Mauensee Castle.jpg
1319 Aareknie Wolfwil - Wynau 1996
1320 Schwarzenburgerland with scythe and black water gorges 1996 Rüschegg 2093.jpg
1321 Emmental landscape with Räbloch , Schopfgraben and Rämisgummen 1996 2013-10-05-SFERO-Langnau (Photo Dietrich Michael Weidmann) 152.JPG
1401 Drumlin landscape of the Zurich Oberland 1977
1402 Immenberg 1977 1983
1403 Glacial landscape between the Thur and the Rhine with the Nussbaumer lakes and Andelfingen lakes 1977
1404 Glacial landscape Neerach - Stadel 1977
1405 Frauenwinkel - Ufenau - Lützelau 1977 1996 Frauenwinkel, Ufenau
1406 Zurich Obersee 1977 Obersee
1407 Cat lakes 1977 Cat lake
1408 Jörentobel 1977 Jörenbachtobel
1409 Pfäffikersee 1977 Pfäffikersee
1410 Irchel 1977 Irchel, western slope
1411 Untersee - Upper Rhine 1983 Submarine
1412 Rhine Falls 1983 Rhine Falls
1413 Thurgauian - princely cultural landscape with Hudelmoos 1983 1996
1414 Thur landscape Lichtensteig - Schwarzenbach 1983
1415 Böllenbergtobel near Uznach 1983
1416 Kaltbrunner Riet 1983
1417 Lützelsee - Seeweidsee - Uetziker Riet 1983 Lützelsee
1418 Espi-Hölzli 1983
1419 Pfluegstein whether Erlenbach 1983
1420 Hörnli-Bergland (headwaters of the Töss and Murg ) 1996
1501 Apply - Iffigen 1977 1998
1502 Les Grangettes 1977 1998
1503/1713 Diablerets - Vallon de Nant-Derborence (western part) 1977 1996/98
1504 Vanil Noir 1977 Vanil Noir from the south
1505 Hohgant 1977 Hohgant
1506 Chaltenbrunnenmoor - Wandelalp 1977 1996
1507/1706 Bernese High Alps and Aletsch-Bietschhorn area (northern part) 1983
1508 Weissenau 1983
1509 Luegibodenblock 1983 1998 Luegibodenblock
1510 La Pierreuse - Gummfluh - Vallée de l'Etivaz 1983
1511 Giessbach 1996 Giessbach Falls
1512 Aare Gorge Innertkirchen - Meiringen 1996 Aare Gorge
1513 Engstligenfalls with Engstligenalp 1996 Wildstrubel and Engstligen Falls
1514 Brecca throat 1996 Brecca throat
1515 Tour d'Aï - Dent de Corjon 1998 Tour d'Aï
1601 Silberen 1977 Silberen
1602 Murgtal - Mürtschental 1977
1603 Maderanertal - Fellital 1977
1604 Lauerzersee 1977
1605 Pilate 1977
1606 Vierwaldstättersee with Kernwald, Bürgenstock and Rigi 1983
1607 Goldau landslide area 1983
1608 Flyschlandschaft Hagleren - Glaubenberg - Schlieren 1983
1609 Schrattenflue 1983
1610 Scheidnössli near Erstfeld 1983
1611 Hole side at Schwanden 1983
1612 Säntis area 1996
1613 Speer - Churfirsten - Alvier 1996
1614 Tamina Gorge 1996
1615 Melser Hinterberg - Flumser Kleinberg 1996
1701 Binntal 1977
1702 Lac de Tanay 1977
1703 Val de Bagnes 1977
1704 Mont d'Orge près de Sion 1977
1705 Valère et Tourbillon 1977 1998
1706/1507 Bernese High Alps and Aletsch-Bietschhorn area (southern part) 1983 1998
1707 Dent Blanche - Matterhorn - Monte Rosa 1983
1708 Pyramides d'Euseigne 1983
1709 Blocs erratiques au-dessus de Monthey et de Collombey 1983
1710 Rhone glacier with fore area 1996 1998
1711 Raron - Heidnischbiel 1996
1712 Les Follatères - Mont du Rosel 1996
1713/1503 Diablerets - Vallon de Nant-Derborence (eastern part) 1996
1714 Bergij plates 1998
1715 Gorges du Trento 1998
1716 Pfynwald - Illgraben 1998
1717 Laggintal - Zwischbergental 1998
1718 Val de Réchy - Sasseneire 1998
1801 Piora - Lucomagno - Dötra 1977
1802 Delta del Ticino e della Verzasca 1977
1803 Monte Generoso 1977
1804 Monte San Giorgio 1977
1805 Monte Caslano 1977
1806 Ponte Brolla - Losone 1977
1807 Val Verzasca 1983
1808 Val Bavona 1983
1809 Campolungo - Campo Tencia - Piumogna 1983
1810 Monte San Salvatore 1983
1811 Arbòstora - Morcote 1983
1812 Gandria e dintorni 1983
1813 Denti della Vecchia 1983
1814 Paesaggio fluviale e antropico della Valle del Sole (Blenio) 1996
1901 Was there Toma 1977
1902 Ruinaulta 1977
1903 Meadow landscape on the lower reaches of the Hinterrhein 1977
1904 Val di Campo 1977
1905 Kesch-Ducan area 1977
1906 Dry area in the lower Domleschg 1977
1907 Headwaters of the Hinterrhein and the top of the San Bernardino pass 1977
1908 Upper Engadine lake landscape and Bernina group 1983
1909 Piz Arina 1983
1910 Silvretta - Vereina 1983
1911 Toma landscape at Domat / Ems 1983
1912 Paludi del San Bernardino 1996
1913 Greina - Piz Medel 1996
1914 Plasseggen - Schijenflue 1996
1915 Swiss National Park and peripheral areas 1996
1916 Val Bondasca - Val da l'Albigna 1998

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. What does the landscape protection inventory include? (No longer available online.) In: gr.ch → Natur und Landschaft. Canton of Graubünden, 2011, archived from the original on November 9, 2011 ; Retrieved May 4, 2011 .