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Cortaillod coat of arms
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of NeuchâtelCanton of Neuchâtel Neuchâtel (NE)
District : No district division
BFS no. : 6408i1 f3 f4
Postal code : 2016
Coordinates : 554 973  /  199340 coordinates: 46 ° 56 '37 "  N , 6 ° 50' 50"  O ; CH1903:  554 973  /  199340
Height : 484  m above sea level M.
Height range : 429–508 m above sea level M.
Area : 3.68  km²
Residents: 4729 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 1285 inhabitants per km²


Location of the municipality
Neuenburgersee Bielersee Murtensee Frankreich Kanton Bern Kanton Bern Kanton Bern Kanton Freiburg Kanton Freiburg Kanton Jura Kanton Waadt Kanton Waadt Kanton Waadt Boudry La Brévine Brot-Plamboz Le Cerneux-Péquignot La Chaux-de-Fonds La Chaux-du-Milieu Corcelles-Cormondrèche Cornaux Cortaillod La Côte-aux-Fées Cressier NE Enges La Grande Béroche Hauterive NE Le Landeron Lignières NE Le Locle Les Brenets Milvignes Neuenburg NE Peseux NE Les Planchettes Les Ponts-de-Martel Rochefort NE La Sagne Saint-Blaise NE La Tène NE Valangin Val-de-Ruz NE Val-de-Travers NE Les VerrièresMap of Cortaillod
About this picture

Cortaillod is a municipality in the canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland .


Cortaillod is around 484  m above sea level. M. , 8 km southwest of the canton capital Neuchâtel (linear distance). The clustered village extends on the edge of a plateau at the southern foot of the Jura , south of the Areuse alluvial fan , around 50 m above the lake level of Lake Neuchâtel .

The area of ​​the 3.7 km² large municipal area comprises a section on the north-west bank of Lake Neuchâtel. The eastern part of the municipality is located on the flat cone of the Areuse, with the river forming the northern border. To the west, the area extends to the plateau of Cortaillod, which is around 490  m above sea level. M. lies and slopes steeply towards the Neuchâtel lake and the Areuse. The highest point of the community is at 509  m above sea level. M. on this plateau southwest of the town center. The south-western border forms a small erosion valley , which flows into Lake Neuchâtel at the old La Tuilerie brickworks . In 1997, 34% of the municipal area was in settlements, 12% in forests and woodlands, 53% in agriculture and a little more than 1% was unproductive land.

Cortaillod includes the settlements Bas-de-Sachet ( 439  m above sea level ) on the Alluvial Fan of the Areuse at the foot of the plateau and Petit Cortaillod ( 433  m above sea level ) on Lake Neuchâtel below the town center. The neighboring municipalities of Cortaillod are La Grande Béroche and Boudry .

Historic aerial photo by Werner Friedli from 1954


With 4,729 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2018), Cortaillod is one of the large municipalities in the canton of Neuchâtel. Of the residents, 86.9% are French-speaking, 3.9% German-speaking and 2.8% Italian-speaking (as of 2000). The population of Cortaillod developed only slowly at first, but has increased significantly since 1950, with strong growth rates being recorded particularly during the 1960s.


The voting shares of the parties on the occasion of the National Council election in 2015 were: FDP 29.9%, SP 20.9%, SVP 20.7%, GPS 13.4%, PdA 5.3%, glp 3.8%, CVP 3.3 %, BDP 1.1%.


Population development
year Residents
1850 1110
1900 1299
1950 1561
1960 1768
1970 3063
1980 3603
1990 4119
2000 4373

For a long time, Cortaillod was mainly an agricultural village. The steep slopes of the Cortaillod plateau are ideal for viticulture (see also the article on viticulture in Switzerland ), which is still important today (especially red wine, including the Vin du diable ). The fertile soils of the plateau are mainly used for arable farming. During the 18th century, two Indiane factories were founded south of the Areuse , including the Fabrique-Neuve de Cortaillod. This was in operation until 1854, after which the buildings were unused for some time until the Câbles Cortaillod settled in it in 1879, which is today the most important company (since 2001 under the name Nexans Suisse SA ) in Cortaillod. In the second half of the 19th century there was a watch factory in Cortaillod , and from 1991 to 2001 the municipality was the seat of the European technology center of Silicon Graphics . In the last few decades, Cortaillod has developed into a residential community. Many workers are commuters who work in Neuchâtel.


The community is somewhat off the main thoroughfares, but has a good connection to the main road 5 from Neuchâtel to Yverdon . The A5 motorway (Neuchâtel-Yverdon), which was opened to traffic in 2005, runs through the far north-west of the municipality. Cortaillod is connected to the public transport network by the bus line from Boudry to Saint-Aubin-Sauges and by a local line from Cortaillod to Areuse. Between 1892 and 1984, the place was also opened up by a now closed branch of the Neuchâtel tram .


The municipality of Cortaillod has been settled for a long time. Four important settlement sites from the Neolithic Age were discovered along the shores of Lake Neuchâtel , containing numerous finds ( flint stones , stone axes , axes and vessels) from around 4600 to 3900 BC. Included. The Cortaillod culture was named after the site . The lake shore was also populated in the late Bronze Age (1250 to 850 BC). A rich collection of found objects has been unearthed ( axes , swords , jewelry and vases ). This also includes the oldest bronze wheel in Switzerland. There are also traces of a settlement from Roman times and there was a Burgundian cemetery near Petit-Cortaillod .

The first written mention of the place took place in 1280 under the name Cortaillaut , in 1311 the spelling Cortaillot appeared . The place name is derived from the Latin Curtis Agilaldi ( court of Agilald ). Cortaillod came to the Lords of Gorgier as a fief in 1311 , but the Priory of Bevaix also owned the place. The Reformation was introduced in 1537 . In 1545 at the latest, Cortaillod was bought by the Lords of Colombier and in 1564 by the Counts of Neuchâtel. From 1648 Neuchâtel was a principality and from 1707 it was linked to the Kingdom of Prussia through a personal union. In 1806 the area was ceded to Napoleon I and came to the Swiss Confederation in the course of the Congress of Vienna in 1815 , whereby the kings of Prussia until the Neuchâtel trade in 1857 also remained princes of Neuchâtel.


  • Henri-Louis Henry (born July 21, 1838 in Cortaillod, † February 17, 1905 in Peseux), businessman and politician
  • Ugo Crivelli (born November 4, 1923 in Ligornetto; † November 20, 1998 in Cortaillod), painter, sculptor, engraver


The core of the reformed church goes back to the Saint-Nicolas chapel built in 1505. The current building dates from 1611, in 1722 an extensive restoration and enlargement took place. Opposite the church is the Hôtel de Commune, built in 1761, with a richly structured facade. In the old town center there are still numerous town houses from the 16th to 18th centuries.

Web links

Commons : Cortaillod  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Permanent and non-permanent resident population by year, canton, district, municipality, population type and gender (permanent resident population). In: bfs. . Federal Statistical Office (FSO), August 31, 2019, accessed on December 22, 2019 .
  2. ^ Election du Conseil National du October 18, 2015, Résultats des partis - Les suffrages. (aspx) (No longer available online.) Chancellerie d'État neuchâtelois, October 18, 2015, archived from the original on November 1, 2015 ; Retrieved October 30, 2016 (French). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Ugo Crivelli. In: Sikart