Maase Nissim

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Maase Nissim are a work of Jewish literature that contains 25 “miracle stories” written around 1670 by the Worms synagogue servant Juspa Schammes (actually Jiftach Joseph Juspa ben Naftali Herz , * 1604; died February 15, 1678).

Juspa Schammes compiled the 25 stories from older sources, some of which were available to him in print and some orally. They mainly serve three motifs: "History of the Worms Jews, general history of Worms [and] fantastic stories of an entertaining kind". His son, Elieser Liebermann, copied the text. It is unclear whether he translated it from Hebrew into Yiddish or whether Juspa Schammes already wrote the texts in Yiddish. The collection first appeared in print in 1696 in Amsterdam .

Literature (selection)

  • Shlomo Eidelberg: R. Juspa, Shammash of Warmaisa (Worms): Jewish Life in 17th Century Worms , Magnes Press, Jerusalem 1995, ISBN 965-223-762-0 .
  • Dean Philip Bell: Worms and the Jews. Jews, Magic, and Community in Seventeenth-Century Worms , in: Kathryn A. Edwards (Ed.): Werewolves, Witches, and Wandering Spirits. Traditional Belief & Folklore in Early Modern Europe , Truman State University Press, Kirksville 2002, ISBN 1-931112-09-6 , pp. 93-118.
  • Fritz Reuter , Ulrike Schäfer: Miracle stories from Warmaisa. Juspa Schammes, his Ma'asseh nissim and the Jewish Worms in the 17th century. Worms-Verlag, Worms 2005, ISBN 978-3-936118-66-7 .

Digital copies

Individual evidence

  1. Reuter / Schäfer, p. 85.
  2. Reuter / Schäfer, p. II.