Machias Seal Island

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Machias Seal Island
Machias Seal Island
Machias Seal Island
Waters Gulf of Maine ( Atlantic Ocean )
Geographical location 44 ° 30 '10 "  N , 67 ° 6' 10"  W Coordinates: 44 ° 30 '10 "  N , 67 ° 6' 10"  W
Machias Seal Island (Maine)
Machias Seal Island
surface 8 ha
Residents uninhabited

Machias Seal Island is an uninhabited Atlantic island off Maine , USA , with an area of ​​approx. 80,000 m².

Since 1832, there is a territory dispute with Canada in the context of territorial claims between Canada and the United States . The island was inhabited by the families of the Canadian Coast Guard's beacon keepers in the 1970s and 1980s .

The island is located in the Gulf of Maine , about 16 km southeast of Cutler (Maine) and about 19 km southwest of Southwest Head ( New Brunswick ; near Grand Manan Island ).


  • Due to the double territorial claims, all people born on this island are both US and Canadian citizens.