Mainardino by Imola

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Mainardino von Imola († around 1250), actually Mainardino degli Aldig (hi) eri , was a 13th century Italian clergyman and historian .

Mainardino came from a well-known Ferrara family . He embarked on an ecclesiastical career and was, among other things, a canon in Bologna and provost of the Episcopal Church in Ferrara . From 1207 to 1249 he was bishop of the city of Imola and also acted there as Podestà (1209/10 and 1221). Mainardino, who was friendly to the emperor, was in close contact with Emperor Friedrich II and his court.

Mainardino wrote a historical work about Frederick II, which reported on his deeds in the form of a biography. Because of his good relationship with the emperor, Mainardino was sure to be able to process information firsthand. The work has not been preserved, but it was apparently used later. Pandolfo Collenuccio mentions Mainardino as a source in his History of Naples, written at the end of the 15th century.
