Makarios II. Moskvityanin

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Makarios Moskvitjanin († 1556 , Poland-Lithuania ) was an Orthodox metropolitan of Kiev, Halitsch and all of Russia (1534–1556).


He came from Moscow and probably came to the country in the wake of Helena of Moscow , who later became Queen of Poland . He was married and had children. After the death of his wife he became a monk and took the name Makarios . He later became the Archimandrite of the Leszcz Monastery.

In 1522 Makarios became bishop of Pińsk and in 1528 of Łuck . In 1534 he was appointed Metropolitan of Kiev by King Sigismund I and introduced in 1535. During his term of office there were various difficulties for the Orthodox Church, also caused by pressure from the Catholic Church and the King. In 1546 he asked the metropolitan to hold a synod of the Orthodox clergy of Poland and Lithuania to solve the problems.

Makarios died in 1556.

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