Malay languages

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Malay languages ​​(red and yellow)

The Malay languages , mother tongues of about 22 million Malay people , are a branch of the Malayo-Sumbawa languages , which are part of the Malayo-Polynesian languages .

The most important representative of the language family is the Malay language (ISO-639 codes [ms, may, msa]), which also forms the linguistic foundation for the Malaysian language . Another variety of Malay is Indonesian [in, ind], which after more than 100 years of foreign influences is slightly different in the vocabulary. These languages ​​are spoken in Brunei , Indonesia , Malaysia , Singapore, as well as parts of Thailand .

The Ibanian languages (see below) and the West Malay Dayak languages ​​(Kendayan-Salako [knx]), which together make up the Malay Dayak languages, are shown in yellow on the map . The language area of ​​the other Malay languages ​​listed below is shown in red.

Other languages

The approximately 60 other Malay languages ​​(the ISO-639 code is in square brackets) are spoken on Borneo , Sumatra , the Malay Peninsula as well as on various islands in the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca .

  • Malayic Dayak, Bamayo [xdy], Banjarese [bjn], Berau Malay [bve], Brunei Malay [kxd], Bukit Malay [bvu], Kendayan [knx], Keninjal [knl], Kota Bangun Kutai Malay [mqg], Tenggarong Kutai Malay [vkt], Ibanian languages ​​( Iban [iba], Balau [blg], Remun [lkj], Mualang [mtd], Seberuang [sbx], Sebuyau [snb])
Malay Peninsula
  • Jakun [jak], Kedah Malay [meo], Perak Malay, Pahang Malay, Orang Kanaq [orn], Yawi [mfa], Temuan [tmw], Terengganu Malay
  • Central Malay [pse], Lembak [liw], Haji [hji], Jambi Malay [jax], Kaur [vkk], Kerinci [kvr], Kubu [kvb], Lubu [lcf], Minangkabau [min], Musi [mui ], Pekal [pel]
South China Sea / Strait of Malacca
  • Bangka [mfb], Duano [dup], Loncong [lce], Orang Seletar [ors], Urak Lawoi '[urk]

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