Picturesque Ukraine

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Book cover. Text:
Picturesque Ukraine
- by Taras Shevchenko - Saint Petersburg - 1844

Picturesque Ukraine ( Russian Живописная Украина ) is a series of etchings by the Ukrainian painter and national poet Taras Shevchenko published in Saint Petersburg in 1844 . It was the first and only published publication of a series planned by Shevchenko on the history, sights and nature of Ukraine as well as life, customs and folklore in it.


The idea for this edition came from Shevchenko in 1843 during his first trip through the Ukraine , as his drawings and sketches during this trip show. After returning to Saint Petersburg in March 1844, he began preparations for publication, which took place in late 1844. He intended to use the money he earned from the sale to buy his Ukrainian relatives out of serfdom . A publication of the second edition of "Picturesque Ukraine", which was prepared for 1845, did not materialize, mainly due to lack of funds, as the first edition did not meet the expectation of bringing in enough money for the planned ransom of his relatives.

Etchings from "Picturesque Ukraine"

The publication consists of six etchings, all of which are inscribed by Shevchenko:

  • "In Kiev " ( У Києві U Kyjewi )
  • "Council of Judges" ( Судна рада Sudna rada )
  • "Gifts in Chihirin in 1649" ( Дари в Чигирині 1649 року Dary w Tschyhyryni 1649 roku )
  • "Wydubyzkyj Monastery" ( Видубицький монастир Wydubyzkyj monastyr )
  • " Starost " ( Старости Starosty )
  • "Fairy tale" ( Казка Kaska )

Web links

Commons : The Pictorial Ukraine by Taras Shevchenko - 6 prints (1844)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry on Picturesque Ukraine in the Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia ; accessed on September 19, 2018 (Ukrainian)
  2. On the history of the publication and distribution of the Picturesque Ukraine album by T. Shevchenko in the electronic library of the Institute of Journalism ; accessed on September 19, 2018 (Ukrainian)
  3. Picturesque Ukraine (1844) in the encyclopedia of the life and works of Taras Shevchenko ; accessed on September 19, 2018 (Russian)