Malik bin Abi s-Samh at-Ta'i

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Malik bin Abi s-Samh at-Ta'i ( Arabic مالك بن أبي السمح الطائي, DMG Mālik b. Abī s-Samḥ aṭ-Ṭāʾī ; born around 674 , died around 754 ) was a Medinese singer and musician.


The father was from the tribe of Tayy and died in infancy, the mother - from the clan of Mahzum from the tribe of Koraischiten had their homes due to famine leave and settled in Medina, where he was b Abdullah. Jafar b. Abu Talib took him in as a child. In Medina Malik took his first steps as a singer and teamed up with like-minded people. In 684 he met Ma'bad, whose student Malik became and with whom he spent most of his time. However, when his stepfather died in 700, a falling out broke out and Malik joined Sulayman b. Ali al-Hashimi on. Through him he got to know the powerful of the ruling Umayyads. A year after the Abbaside as-Saffah took over, Malik followed his master to Basra , where al-Hashimi was installed as governor by his nephew. Malik's stay there did not last long, however, and a short time later he returned to Medina, where he later died at the age of around 80.


According to the traditions in the Kitab al-Aghani , the well-known Persian singer Ishaq al-Mawsili at-Ta'i classified as one of four outstanding singers of his era, two of whom came from Mecca and two from Medina. One of his most famous students was Muhammed b. Aʾisha.


Encyclopaedia of Islam 2, Volume VI, Brill: Leiden (1991), p. 262