Management by delegation

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Management by Delegation (MbD) (to German: tour of delegation ) is a concept as part of the management process and referred to in the business administration a management technique , be transferred to an employee in the delegated duties by a supervisor.


As part of management by delegation , routine as well as extensive and demanding tasks are delegated ( delegated ) from a superior to one or more employees . The specific scope of these tasks and, if necessary, certain milestones are determined in advance by the line manager. In the further course of the process, the superior only concentrates on the success control and is available for questions. It is important here that, as a rule, authority to issue instructions and powers of representation are transferred to the employee. Nevertheless, the responsibility remains with the superior.


The aim of this concept is to make the employee the decision maker within the defined area of ​​responsibility. At the level of the superior, management by delegation thus leads to a reduction in the workload, while the motivation and goal orientation at the level of the employee is limited.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this concept is that the delegation of tasks and responsibilities to employees motivates them and activates them in the interests of the company. Furthermore, the delegation eliminates the rigid hierarchy, i.e. the mostly rigid decision-making authority. As a result, decisions are made where they belong from a business point of view. This relieves the superior of a large part of the routine work so that he has more "management time". This in turn can then be used to help employees achieve their goals. Over the long term also improves working atmosphere as personal responsibility and decision-making authority, though only for certain areas, motivating.

The disadvantage of this concept is that this system does not consider the management functions (see management process ) as equal. Rather, the focus is on the aspect of realizing (“Do”). This inevitably leads to the fact that goals are not achieved and control can only take place inadequately.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Hutzschenreuter, Thomas: Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre , 3rd edition, Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2009, p. 283., ISBN 978-3-8349-1593-1
  2. Leadership technique: Management by delegation ; Accessed January 16, 2011

See also