Manel Nadal

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Manel Nadal i Farreras (* 1953 in Girona ) is a Catalan politician and professor .


Nadal i Farreras graduated from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona with a degree in biology . He is a professor at the Institut de Batxillerat Pere Alsius in Banyoles . In the late 1960s he was a member of the socialist party Convergència Socialista de Catalunya of Catalonia and then joined the PSC-PSOE party , which is a member of the national executive . Nadal was from 1984 to 2003 MP for the province of Girona in the Parliament of Catalonia. Since December 2003 he has been State Secretary in the Ministry of Transport and Public Works in the Government of Catalonia. In 2007 he became chairman of Aeroports Públics de Catalunya SLU .

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