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Mangudai were mounted archers of the Mongols . They based their tactics on nomadic life. Mounted archers made up to 60% of the troop strength of Tatar armies. The Tatar strategy and tactics followed the tradition of older steppe peoples (e.g. Scythians , Parthians , Huns ). Here the enemy was attacked in swarms, taking advantage of the high mobility of the cavalry troops and the great range and penetration power of the composite bows, shot at from the greatest possible distance and, if possible, disputed. The enemy, decimated and demoralized by such attacks, was then possibly attacked by the heavy cavalry and wiped out.

In this tradition, the riders also learned the famous Parthian shot , where the rider directs his horse to shoot at the enemy and turns away at the last moment. The enemy is provoked into pursuit. But the rider turns around in the saddle and continues to fire at the pursuer.

In the real-time strategy game Age of Empires II , the Mangudai appears as a special unit of the Mongols .

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