Manifest dream content

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As manifest content of the dream is in the interpretation of dreams and especially in psychoanalysis the concrete dream material referred to what remains of a dream even after waking memories that surface which, from where a depth / dream analysis can be started representing as needed. The analyst asks his client to freely associate using the individual symbols of the dream. The result of this work then consists in the uncovering of the latent dream content , which is a back translation of the concrete (manifest) dream material into the language of suppressed wish fulfillment. Freud called it dream work . This is the message from the psyche to the I / consciousness of the dreamer that has hitherto remained hidden "under the surface", in the unconscious .

Sigmund Freud sees the phenomenon of so-called resistances as the reason why the psyche does not immediately announce its messages to the ego-consciousness, instead disguising the latent (hidden) content to a certain extent in the cloak of symbols that become manifest . They would have the task of a protective mechanism, because often the actions made our dreams of making desired peace innate needs of the time , although they are biologically fully justified - of instinctual desire impulses accompanied or violent aggression - this, however, often immoral, or unpresentable. Finally, the super-ego - that psychic authority in which “moral education” is imprinted - is declared to be responsible for the resistance and the transformation from the latent to the manifest dream content. It is as if the educating parents do not tolerate the innate impulses of their children, with the difference that this "pedagogical" behavior in the broadest sense of the word "censorship" has long been established in the adult's superego, the mystery of his dreams triggering and at the same time causing the reduced acting out of its natural drives.

See also


  • Sigmund Freud : Lectures for an introduction to psychoanalysis , 1916–1917, (5th lecture)
  • Sigmund Freud - Study Edition, Volume 1, S. Fischer, ISBN 3-10-822721-1

Individual evidence

  1. a b Freud, Sigmund : The Interpretation of Dreams . [1900] Collected Works, Volume II / III, S. Fischer, Frankfurt / M; the following page references from: paperback edition of the Fischer library, Aug. 1966; (a) Re. “Dream as wish fulfillment”: page 107 ff .; (b) Re. “Definition of dream work”: Chap. VI. The dream work, page 234 ff .; on stw. "Dream work as translation work": page 234 f.