Dream work

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By dream work Sigmund Freud understood both the production of a manifest, concretely remembered dream of the dreamer and, conversely, the work of the dream interpreter to recrystallize the hidden dream thoughts from the manifest dream content . Through the dream interpretation the dream work of the dreamer is canceled again. This dream work is the result of a censorship or a distortion process through which the unconscious dream thoughts can cross the threshold to consciousness . According to Freud, dream thoughts are a synonym for the latent dream content . - The latent dream represents the socially and personally unacceptable version of the dream, which at the same time contains the true and uncircumcised form. The manifest dream is the acceptable and compromising version.

Unconscious desires

Freud assumed that the dream was the disguised fulfillment of a repressed and unconscious wish . The wish fulfillment or the censorship of the wish only come about through this type of change ( dream distortion ). Freud presented the resulting distinction between two different dream contents in a pictorial comparison as “two representations of the same content” in two different languages. One is the original and the other the translation. The dreamer's dream work is therefore translation work. Deciphering the manifest dream symbols by the interpreter of the dream is back translation, but not in the manner of a dream lexicon or dream dictionary, not according to generally applicable rules. The dream symbols are given in the form of picture writing, the resolution is similar to that of a picture puzzle. This does not happen according to the image value , but according to the relationship value . The investigation of the relationships between these two "representations of the same content" or the analysis of the dream thoughts is the task of dream interpretation.


In 1900, Freud continued the results of his previous studies on memory of his Dream Interpretation , by contrasting two realities or representations, for example, in the description and analysis of cover memories . This methodology also applies to the concept of the family novel. Freud even speaks of overdetermination in dream work , i.e. i.e., from the ambiguity of dream thoughts. This expresses a "psychic power ... which on the one hand strips the high-quality elements of their intensity, and on the other hand ... creates new values ​​from inferior ones, which then reach the dream content". The intensity of a dream element is shown in the degree of its emotional arousal and thus its manifest psychic presence during the dream. The "translation work" also takes place with the help of compression and displacement . According to Stavros Mentzos, the meaning of these processes is the function of the dream as the guardian of sleep, which creates a certain freedom from fear. But dream work is not just that, but an overall process of externalization .

Original and translation

The two "representations of the same content" which we are talking about in the various stages of the dream work differ primarily in their scope. The manifest dream “fills half a page when written down”. The analysis, which contains the dream thoughts, requires a multiple of writing space. The manifest dream content represents, so to speak, a symbolic condensation. The overdetermination is an expression of the specifically human ability to form symbols and thus the ability to use language. As with language elements, dream elements can serve as “nodes” for several circles of ideas. In the early stages of a language's development, less well-defined extensional word meanings are encountered, e.g. Sometimes also contradicting ( opposition words ). This is reminiscent of the symbol organization at the primary process stage .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Sigmund Freud : The Interpretation of Dreams . [1900] Gesammelte Werke, Volume II / III, S. Fischer, Frankfurt / M, the following page references from: Paperback edition of the Fischer Library, Aug. 1966, (a) on Stw. “Definition of dream work”: Chap. VI. Die Traumarbeit, p. 234 ff .; (b) on taxation “Zensur”, pp. 127 f., 290, 429, 432, 448; (c) to Stw. “Dream as wish fulfillment”, p. 107 ff., 458; (d) on tax. “Dream distortion”, pp. 120 ff., 258; (e) on tax. “Dream work as translation work”, p. 234 f .; (f) to Stw. “Traumlexikon, Traumbuch, Traumwörterbuch”, p. 90; (g) see (e); (h) to Stw. “Traumdeutung und Deckerinnerung”, p. 151; (i) on tax. “Dream work and overdetermination ”, pp. 239, 257 ; (j) on tax. “Dream intensity”, pp. 47, 257 f .; (k) on Stw. “Compression and displacement as a master craftsman of dream work”, pp. 235 ff., 255 ff .; (l) on Stw. “Compression as a criterion differentiating between manifest and latent dream content”, p. 235; (m) to district “Dream thoughts as nodes”, p. 239; (n) to Stw. "Representation means opposition word", p. 265 f.
  2. Philip G. Zimbardo , Richard J. Gerrig: Psychology . Pearson, Hallbergmoos near Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-8273-7275-8 , p. 174.
  3. a b c d Stavros Mentzos : Neurotic Conflict Processing. Introduction to the psychoanalytic theory of neuroses, taking into account more recent perspectives. © 1982 Kindler, Fischer-Taschenbuch, Frankfurt 1992, ISBN 3-596-42239-6 ; (a) Re. “Exonerating purpose of the dream”, p. 68; (b) to Stw. “Traumlexikon”, p. 71; (c) re. “Discharge”, p. 68; (d) Re. “Dream as an externalization process”, pp. 51, 69.
  4. a b c Wolfgang Loch : On the theory, technology and therapy of psychoanalysis . (= Conditio humana). S. Fischer, 1972, ISBN 3-10-844801-3 , p. 59.