Manla Dam

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Manla HydroProject, Mamlha Water Works
Location: Tibet Autonomous Region, Gyangzê County , 113 km from Samzhubzê
Tributaries: Nyang Qu
Drain: Nyang Qu
Larger cities on the shore: Mamlha
Major cities nearby: Lungmar municipality
Manla HydroProject, Mamlha Water Works (Tibet)
Manla HydroProject, Mamlha Water Works
Coordinates 28 ° 50 '48 "  N , 89 ° 49' 59"  E Coordinates: 28 ° 50 '48 "  N , 89 ° 49' 59"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: 1995-1999
Height of the barrier structure : 75.3 m
Crown length: 287 m
Power plant output: 20 MW
Data on the reservoir
Storage space 157 million m³
Catchment area 2 757  km²

The Mamlha or Manla Dam ( Chinese  满 拉 水利 枢纽 , Pinyin Manla Shuili Shuniu ) and the hydroelectric power station of the same name are located on the Nyang Qu River in the Lungmar Valley, 28 km from the main town of Gyangzê County and 113 km from the Samzhubzê district in Tibet lies. The dam is used for irrigation , hydropower generation, flood protection and tourism. It is the largest of 62 projects by the Chinese central government to develop Tibet economically, and possibly the largest in Tibet to date.

The Nyang Qu, which rises in the Gangwasangbu Mountains, is a 217 km long tributary of the Yarlung Zangbo and drains a total of 11,130 km². The Mamlha hydropower plant is the first on Nyang Qu. The catchment area above the dam is 2,757 km². An average of 483 million cubic meters of water flow off here every year. The reservoir has a storage space of 157 million cubic meters. The water can be used to irrigate an agricultural area of ​​27,000 hectares. It is hoped that Tibet will be able to supply itself with grain, meat and cooking oil.

The dam consists of a 287 meter long and 75.3 meter high main barrier structure, a flood canal, a distribution tunnel and the hydroelectric power station. The power plant can generate 20 megawatts and deliver 61 million kWh of electricity per year. Construction work began in 1995. The dam structure was completed on November 20, 1996, the rest of the work should be completed in October 1999.

Another and even larger dam project in Tibet is the large dam project in the Yarlung Zangbo Gorge near the Namcha Barwa and Gyala Peri mountains . It was started in 2010, 325 km southeast of Lhasa on the upper reaches of the Brahmaputra.

See also

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