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Tibetan name
Tibetan script :
རྒྱལ་ རྩེ་
Wylie transliteration :
rgyal rtse
Official transcription of the PRCh :
THDL transcription :
Other spellings:
Gyantse, Gyangtse,
Gyaltse, Gyeltse
Chinese name
Traditional :
江孜 縣
Simplified :
江孜 县
Pinyin :
Jiāngzī Xiàn
The old town of Gyangzê (1994)
The old town of Gyangzê (2007)

Gyangzê ( Tibetan རྒྱལ་ རྩེ Wylie ་ rgyal rtse ; Gyantse ) is a district of the prefecture -level city of Xigazê in the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China . It has an area of ​​3,859 km² and around 60,000 inhabitants (2003).

Its administrative seat, the large community of Gyangzê, is the fourth largest town in Tibet after Lhasa , Samzhubzê and Chengguan and is 3977 m above sea level on the Friendship Highway , which connects Kathmandu in Nepal with Lhasa, the capital of Tibet.

In the center of Gyangzê there was originally a mountain fortress that dates back to the 9th century. In the 14th century it was rebuilt and expanded to become the Pelkhor Chöde monastery (tib .: dpal 'khor chos sde ). The monastery is famous for its Kumbum (Tib .: sku 'bum ), the largest chorten (Tib .: mchod rten ) Tibet, which was commissioned 1440th This structure has four floors with 108 chapels and over 10,000 murals. Pelkhor Chöde Monastery is home to monks from three schools of Tibetan Buddhism : Sakya , Bodong and Gelug .

In 1904, a platform for cannons was built halfway up the fortress hill to repel British troops.

View over the old town of Gyangze to the rebuilt fortress Gyangze Dzong

Highland barley , peas , millet and vegetables are mainly grown in Gyangzê County . It is one of the most important agricultural regions in Tibet. Gyangzê carpets are famous throughout Tibet.

Administrative division of the Gyangzê district

Gyangzê in the administrative area of ​​the city of Xigazê in Tibet
Surname Tibetan ( Wylie ) Chinese
community Thraring khra ring 车 仁 乡
Tagtse municipality stag rtse 达孜 乡
Gyangzê municipality rgyal rtse 江孜 镇
community Kyilkhar dkyil mkhar 金 嘎 乡
community Caggye lcags sgye 加克 西乡
community Cangra lcang ra 江 热 乡
community Khangtsho gangs mtsho 康卓 乡
Kharto municipality mkhar stod 卡 堆 乡
community Kharme mkhar smad 卡麦 乡
Lungmar municipality lung dmar 龙马 乡
Naröl municipality na rol 纳 如 乡
Nyangtö municipality myang stod 年 堆 乡
Ralung municipality ra lung 热 龙乡
Rasog municipality ra so-called 热 索 乡
community Rinang ri nang 日 朗乡
community rishing ri zhing 日 星 乡
community Tsangkha gtsang kha 藏 改 乡
Tsechen municipality rtse chen 紫金 乡
Drongtse municipality 'brong rtse 重 孜 乡
Old town of Gyangze with a view of the fortress

Ethnic breakdown of the population of Gyangzês (2000)

In the 2000 census, Gyangzê had 61,431 inhabitants.

Name of the people Residents proportion of
Tibetans 60,523 98.52%
Han 752 1.22%
Hui 88 0.14%
Uighurs 19th 0.03%
Mongols 17th 0.03%
Dongxiang 10 0.02%
Others 22nd 0.04%

See also


  • F. Ricca, E. Lo Bue: The Great Stupa of Gyantse. A Complete Tibetan Pantheon of the 15th Century. London 1993.
  • G. Tucci: Tibetan Painted Scrolls. Rome 1949.

Web links

Commons : Gyangzê  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 28 ° 54 '  N , 89 ° 38'  E