Official transcription of the People's Republic of China for Tibetan

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The official transcription of the People's Republic of China for the Tibetan is a system for transliteration of Tibetan in Latin script , the u. a. used by the Chinese government and the UN.


A draft of the transcription was made on May 12, 1965 by the National Cartography Headquarters and the Chinese Commission for Writing Reform ( Chinese  中华人民共和国 国家 测绘 总局 、 中国 文字 改革 委员会 ) for the spelling of Tibetan place names in Latin script simultaneously with transcription systems for Mongolian and Uighur published (original title: 《少数民族 语 地名 汉语拼音 字母 音译 转 写法 (草案)》 Draft principles for the transcription of place names from languages ​​of national minorities with the Hanyu-Pinyin alphabet ) and revised in June 1976 - after the Cultural Revolution and adopted. The transcription of Tibetan is based on the spelling of the corresponding sounds in Hanyu Pinyin , which had previously been developed for standard Chinese .

The system was recognized and recommended by the UN in 1977 in Resolution III / 8 .

In September 1976, the Chinese Commission for Writing Reform revised the rules for transcribing personal names from May 1974 (original title: 《中国 人名 汉语拼音 字母 拼写 法》 ) and also prescribed the system for the transcription of personal names . On August 30, 1978 u. a. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China approved the decision and on September 26, 1978 the State Council upheld the norm. The UN Secretariat announced that it would use the system for both place names and personal names from June 15, 1979.


In the decree of 1974 it is clearly stated that names from the languages ​​of national minorities must not be reproduced according to the Chinese pronunciation, but according to the original language.

The spellings are based on the Tibetan radio pronunciation (i.e. essentially the dialect of the Tibetan capital Lhasa ). Tibetan uses a historical-etymological spelling, so the transcription cannot clearly identify the Tibetan spelling.

Tibetan is a tonal language . The notes are not designated in the transcription. (In Tibetan textbooks - e.g. the textbooks of the Central National University in Beijing - a modified version of the official system is used in which the tones are designated by their own letters.)

Transcription of the initials

A more comprehensive description of the system (with the transcription of all consonant clusters that occur in the written language) can be found under Tibetan Language - Lhasa Dialect .

Tables: Tibet. - Tibetan script; Transcription - transcription; IPA - debate in IPA

Simple consonants

Tibet. Transcription IPA Tibet. Transcription IPA Tibet. Transcription IPA Tibet. Transcription IPA Tibet. Transcription IPA Tibet. Transcription IPA Tibet. Transcription IPA
G k j ʨ d t b p z ʦ x ɕ l l
k q ʨʰ t p c ʦʰ s s x ɕ
k, g , k q, j ʨʰ , ʨ t, d , t p, b , p c, z ʦʰ , ʦ - - s s
ng ŋ ny ɲ n n m m w w y j H H
r r - -

Consonant combinations

Tibet. Transcription IPA Tibet. Transcription IPA Tibet. Transcription IPA
ཀྱ gy c ཀྲ zh ʈʂ ཧྲ sh ʂ
ཁྱ ky ཁྲ ch ʈʂʰ ལྷ lh ɬ
གྱ ky, gy , c གྲ zh, ch ʈʂʰ , ʈʂ

Transcription of the finals

Tibet. - Tibetan script; Transcription - transcription; IPA - debate in IPA

Tibet. Transcription IPA Tibet. Transcription IPA Tibet. Transcription IPA
a a ཨིབ་ ཨིབས ib ip ཨེད་ ཨེས ê
ཨའུ ouch ouch ཨིམ་ ཨིམས in the in the ཨེང་ ཨེངས closely
ཨག་ ཨགས ag aq ཨིར ir ir ཨེབ་ ཨེབས êb ep
ཨང་ ཨངས nec ཨིན in ĩ ཨེམ་ ཨེམས êm em
ཨབ་ ཨབས from ap ཨུ u u ཨེར he he
ཨམ་ ཨམས at the at the ཨུག་ ཨུགས ug uq ཨེན ên
ཨར ar ar ཨུང་ ཨུངས ung ཨོ O O
ཨལ་ ཨའི་ ཨད་ ཨས་ ai (ä) ɛ , ɛʔ ཨུབ་ ཨུབས ub up ཨོག་ ཨོགས above oq
ཨན ain (än) ɛ̃ ཨུམ་ ཨུམས around around ཨོང་ ཨོངས ong
ཨི་ ཨིལ་ ཨིའ ི i i ཨུར ur ur ཨོབ་ ཨོབས if op
ཨེའ ུ་ ཨིའ ུ iu iu ཨུལ་ ཨུའ ི་ ཨུད་ ཨུས ü y , ཨོམ་ ཨོམས om om
ཨིག་ ཨིགས ig iq ཨུན ün ཨོར or or
ཨིད་ ཨིས i ཨེ་ ཨེལ་ ཨེའ ི ê e ཨོལ་ ཨོའ ི oi (ö) O
ཨིང་ ཨིངས ing ཨེག་ ཨེགས êg eq ཨོན oin (ön) O

See also


  • Shǎoshù mínzú dìmíng Hànyǔ pīnyīn zìmǔ yīnyì zhuǎnxiěfǎ 少数民族 地名 汉语拼音 字母 音译 转 写法 . In: Guójiā cèhuìjú dìmíng yánjiūsuǒ 国家 测绘 局 地名 研究所 : Zhōngguó dìmínglù 《中国 地 名录》 (Chinese local dictionary ) . Zhōngguó dìtú chūbǎnshè 中国 地图 出版社 , Beijing 1997, ISBN 7-5031-1718-4 , pp. 585-588 ( online text of another edition , website of the Chinese Ministry of Education).

Web links

  • UNGEGN Working Group on Romanization Systems: Report on the Current Status of United Nations Romanization Systems for Geographical Names - Tibetan , January 2003 (Eesti Keele Instituut, PDF ; 91 kB).
  • 陈邦 柱: 应用 汉语拼音 , 规范 地图地名教育部 语言 文字 应用 研究所 (Institute for Applied Linguistics of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China), November 28, 2003.
  • 教育部 语言 文字 应用 管理 司 : 有关 汉语拼音 的 法规 、 规范 、 标准 (Institute for Applied Linguistics of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China), January 25, 2008.


  1. a b UNGEGN 2003.
  2. a b c 教育部 语言 文字 应用 管理 司 2008.
  3. 《少数民族 语 地名 汉语拼音 字母 音译 转 写法》 Part 3, footnote 1.
  4. Zhōu Jìwén 周季文, Xiè Hòufāng 谢后芳: Zàngwén pīnyīn jiàocái - Lāsàyīn 藏文 拼音 教材 • 拉萨 音 / ༄ ༅ ༎ བོད་ ཡིག་ གི་ སྒྲ་ སྦྱོར་ སློབ་ དེབ ། ལྷ་ སའི་ སྐད ། (Textbook of Tibetan script. Lhasa pronunciation) . Mínzú chūbǎnshè 民族 出版社 , Beijing 1983, ISBN 7-105-02577-8 .
  5. a b Representation according to 《少数民族 地名 汉语拼音 字母 音译 转 写法》 . In the specialist literature, different statements are made about pronunciation.
  6. a b c d e f g If the character is not prefixed or suffixed, it is pronounced aspirated and the first Latin equivalent is used; otherwise it is not pronounced aspirated and the second equivalent is used.
  7. a b c d In cases where two Latin equivalents are given, the first option is generally used; the second option (in brackets) can be used to indicate the pronunciation.