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Manoi or Phom Ma Noi (full throne name Somdet Brhat Chao Bhumi Maha Nawi ; * late 18th century; † 1821 in Bangkok ) was Prince Governor in the Siamese-ruled Kingdom of Champasak from 1813 to 1820 .

Manoi was a nephew of King Sayakumane (ruled 1738 to 1791), his father was his youngest brother Prince (Anga Sadet Chafa Jaya) Raja Varman Suringha (Sourinhô). He received his education at home and in Bangkok. After the death of his cousin Nu in 1813 he was appointed Chao Mueang Nakhon Champasak (Prince Governor of Champasakti). After he could not contain a major uprising in the south of the empire, he fled to Bangkok, where he spent his last days.

Manoi died in 1821, leaving six sons:

  1. Prince ( Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya ) Anga (Un)
  2. Prince ( Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya ) Nudha (Nud), who in turn had a son
    1. Prince ( Brhat Chao Uparat ) Bima Bisana Buvanarabarna (Phimphisan Bualaphan), since 1870 Maha Uparat of Champasak, † 1876
  3. Prince ( Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya ) Singha (Saeng), Maha Uparat since 1863; † 1870, one son
    1. Prince ( Sadet Chao ) Suriya (Sua)
  4. Prince ( Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya ) Buna (Bun or Boun)
  5. Prince ( Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya ) Chandra (Chan), since 1870 Chao Raja Varman
  6. Prince ( Anga Sadet Chao Fa Jaya ) Chula (Chu), Maha Uparat since 1855 and administrator of the empire between 1858 and 1862; † before 1870

See also
