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Pothi , born as Prince ( Chao ) Jaya Kumara (Sayakuman, full throne name Somdet Brhat Chao Brhat Bodhi Chao Angka Luang Jaya Kumara ; * 1710 in Vientiane ; † 1791 in Champasak ) was regent for his father, King Soi Sri Samut (r . 1713 to 1725, † 1738), and King of Champasak from 1738 to 1791.

Pothi was the eldest son of King Soi Sri Samut and was educated at the Royal Palace. Before assuming the reign, he was appointed governor of Sri Lambong. After the death of his father in 1738 he was crowned King of Champasak and moved to the city of Champasak (Champa Nagapurisiri). In 1758 a legal dispute broke out between Pothi and his eldest brother, Tammatevo Pudisatkhattinarat , which then attacked the capital and forced Pothi to flee to Don Mot Daeng. The Buddhist clergy were later able to bring about a reconciliation. Pothi had to flee again from the capital when the Siamese attacked Champasak under King Taksin (r. 1768 to 1782) in 1778 . He sought refuge in vain on Don Sai Island, was captured and taken to Bangkok in golden chains . After accepting the addiction as a vassal of Siam, he was able to return to Champasak in 1780.

Pothi was averse to the craft of war and hated cruelty not only to humans but also to animals such as horses and elephants. He was married and had a son and two daughters:

  1. Prince ( Anga Sadet Chaofa Jaya ) Anuramangkara (No Mueang), who had five sons, two of whom later became kings of Champasak under Siamese sovereignty
    1. Nu (r. 1811)
    2. Bua († before his enthronement 1853)
  1. Princess ( Chao Heuane ) Bhumiwakawa (Pom Hua or Pomhuakwa)
  2. Princess ( Chao Heuane ) Dhani Keava (Thon Keu or Tenkeo)

See also
