Manuel Sánchez Cuesta

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Manuel Sánchez Cuesta
Spanish philosopher and literary man

Manuel Sánchez Cuesta (born May 13, 1942 in Salamanca ) is a philosopher , ethicist and humanist .

He studied at the Universidad de Salamanca , Universidad Complutense de Madrid , Heidelberg University and the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome. He is a doctor of philosophy. Since 1991 he has been Professor of Ethics at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has also taught logic at the same university, Spanish literature and Spanish history of philosophy at Heidelberg University, and ethics at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico . Among other publications, he has regularly written about ethics and politics in Diario 16 , the magazine Acontecimiento and the magazine El Médico .

Intellectual profile

His research focuses on the areas of logic , the history of philosophy and, in particular, ethics . In Sánchez Cuesta's existential and personalistic humanism, everyday life is at the center of his ethical reflection. It is everyday life in which every person is free to open up an indefinite and constant number of options. It is a unique opportunity not only to achieve a desired goal, but also to develop it virtuously . “Whoever succeeds - writes Agapito Maestre (translated) - in living their daily life virtuously, and this and no other is the therapeutic value of this work, [Note: that of Sánchez Cuesta], he will have succeeded in the carpe diem making the classic come true ”. José Miguel Marinas wrote (translated) about the work La ética de los griegos : “And this is the greatest attraction of an elegant work of simple appearance: it is the text of a free man addressed to adult readers”.




  • Miguel de Unamuno. Epistolario y hermenéutica. IN: Revista de Filosofía. nº 10, 1993, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, ISSN  0214-4921 .
  • El hombre como ser-proyecto, objeto formal de la anthropología filosófica. In: Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía. nº Extra, 1996, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, ISSN  0211-2337 .
  • Moralidad y escatología en Unamuno. IN: Ética y Sociología. Estudios en memoria del Profesor José Todolí Duque. Ed. San Esteban, Salamanca 2000, ISBN 84-8260-075-3 .
  • ¿Dónde están los filósofos? Hacia una filosofía como experiencia moral. In: La sociedad ante los nuevos desafíos. Colección Pensamiento y Sociedad-Aula Universitaria. Caja de Burgos, Burgos 2003, ISBN 84-87152-86-4 .
  • Tras los pasos de Unamuno, Ortega y Séneca. In: JM Beneyto y JA González Fuentes (eds.): María Zambrano. La visión más transparent. Trotta-Fundación Carolina, Madrid 2004, ISBN 84-8164-703-9 .
  • María Zambrano y su tiempo. Notas para una biografía político-filosófica. In: Revista “METAPOLÍTICA”. México, (Vol. 8, nº 34, Marzo-Abril), 2004, ISSN  1405-4558 .
  • Unamuno, reescritura filosófica del Quixote. In: Huellas de Don Quixote. La presencia cultural de Cervantes. Instituto de Humanidades Ángel Ayala-CEU, Madrid 2005, ISBN 84-86117-22-4 .
  • Lo religioso y lo filosófico en Julián Marías. In: Revista “PAIDEIA”. Madrid, nº 78, (Enero-April), 2007, ISSN  0214-7300 .
  • In the laberinto de la existencia. (Monólogo dialogado), México, Transatlántica de Educación, Nº 11, Julio-Diciembre, 2012, NIPO: 030-13-137-8


  1. In the book on M. Maceiras among others: Spanish philosophical thinking. Pensamiento filosófico español, Vol. II (Del Barroco a nuestros días), Madrid 2002, ISBN 84-7738-980-2 , p. 318 describes the motivations of the works of the philosopher Sánchez Cuesta.
  2. Agapito Maestre: Review of the book Ética para la vida cotidiana In: ABC . Blanco y Negro Cultural. 2-10-2004.
  3. José Miguel Marinas: Review of the book La etica de los griegos, In: Magazin El rapto de Europa. 2-5-2003.