Manuela Keller-Schneider

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Manuela Keller-Schneider (born November 30, 1959 in Basel ) is a Swiss educational scientist, professor for professional research and teacher training at the University of Education in Zurich and private lecturer for educational science at the Philipps University of Marburg .


Keller-Schneider initially trained as a primary school teacher at the Oberseminar of the Canton of Zurich and completed training in early musical education and primary school. She then taught for seven years at the elementary school of the Canton of Zurich and the music school. In parallel to her work as a teacher, she began studying psychology, psychopathology of children and adolescents and musicology at the University of Zurich , from which she graduated in 1989 with a licentiate. In the following years she worked as a school psychologist and at the seminar for basic pedagogical training in teacher training. Further training to become a psychotherapist in phased couple and family therapy, a specialist psychologist FSP for child and adolescent psychology and a supervisor and organizational consultant BSO took place. After taking on a teaching position in the Zurich teacher training system, Keller-Schneider completed her doctorate with Prof. Stoll and Oser at the University of Zurich with a thesis on challenges in career entry for teachers in 2008. In 2014 she completed her habilitation at the Philipps University of Marburg a thesis on the topic of competence development and the importance of individual and collective resources. Keller-Schneider received the Venia legendi for the field of educational science with a focus on school education. She has been a lecturer since 2002 and a professor at the University of Education in Zurich since 2013.


Keller-Schneider researches and publishes in particular on career entry and the professionalization of teachers. As a theoretical foundation for this, she has developed a model for developing skills in the professional biography. The transfer of the research results into school practice is a particular concern of her, in teaching and publications she combines theory-based elements, case studies and reflection impulses for teachers.

Together with Uwe Hericks , she is considered to be a representative of the biographical direction of educational professional research.


A complete list of publications is available on the website of the University of Education in Zurich.

  • Development tasks in the career start of teachers. Stress from professional challenges in connection with context and personality traits . Münster: Waxmann, 2010
  • Self-directed learning at the university - competence development and the importance of individual characteristics of the students . In: A. Gehrmann, B. Kranz, S. Pelzmann and A. Reinartz (eds.). Formation and transformation of teacher education. Development trends and research findings , pp. 189–205. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 2013
  • Career entry, professional biographies and professional careers of teachers. In: M. Rothland (Ed.): Profession teacher, a study book , pp. 277–298. Münster: Waxmann UTB, 2016
  • Teachers and teacher education: Global perspectives, challenges and prospects (pp. 269–289). New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2018
  • Keller-Schneider, M., Yeung, AS, & Zhong, HF Supporting teachers' sense of competence: Effects of perceived challenges and coping strategies. In LA Caudle (Ed.)
  • Research on career entry. Transition from training to work . In E. Terhart, H. Bennewitz & M. Rothland: Handbook of research on the teaching profession , second revised edition. Münster: Waxmann, 2014
  • “It is no longer enough to simply teach.” Dealing with uncertainty is a challenge . In: A. Paseka, M. Keller-Schneider & A. Combe (Eds.), Uncertainty as a Challenge for Educational Action , pp. 231-254. Wiesbaden: VS Springer, 2018
  • Impulses for starting a career . Basics - experience reports - tools for reflection. Bern: hep, 2018
  • Hericks, U., Keller-Schneider, M. & Bonnet, A. Challenge: Teaching professionalism from a career perspective . In M. Glasses-Zikuda, C. Rohlfs & M. Harring (eds.): Handbuch Schulpädagogik (pp. 597–607). Münster: Waxmann, 2018
  • Development tasks in the career start of teachers. Processing of professional challenges in connection with context and personality traits and in comparisons of different professional phases , 2nd revised and expanded edition. Münster: Waxman, 2020

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Zurich University of Education: Manuela Keller-Schneider. Retrieved November 25, 2019 .
  2. Keller-Schneider, Manuela: Development tasks in the career start of teachers . Waxmann, Münster 2010, p. 113 .
  3. Keller-Schneider, Manuela: Impulses for teachers to start their careers: Basics - experience reports - instruments for reflection . hep, Bern 2018.
  4. ^ Website of the Zurich University of Education