Manuela Naveau

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Manuela Naveau (* 1972 as Manuela Pfaff Berger ) is an Austrian artist and curator of the Ars Electronica . Your place of work and residence is Linz .


Naveau studied at the Art University Linz . In 1997 she became active as an artist and curator nationally and internationally. In 2003 she returned to Linz to work as a curator and project manager for Ars Electronica. Together with the artistic director of Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, Gerfried Stocker, she developed the Ars Electronica Export department , which she has also been in charge of since then.

In addition to her work at Ars Electronica, Naveau is doing a PhD thesis on “Crowd & Art”, literally “new forms of participation in artistic processes via the medium of the Internet and their influence on a changing artistic practice”.

She has been married to Nicolas Naveau since 2010, with whom she has a son (* 2009).

Web links

  • Manuela Naveau: Crowd & Art , the artist's homepage on , last accessed on September 22, 2012

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Manuela Naveau: About Me , subpage on (see web links), last accessed on September 22, 2012