Manuela Renard

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Manuela Renard (* 1950 ) is a German voice actress and actress .



For over 15 years Manuela Renard different roles of the talks US - animated series The Simpsons such. B. Maude Flanders , Elizabeth Hoover , Luann van Houten and Brandine Spuckler .


Manuela Renard has also voiced actresses in films. Among other things, she dubbed Kathy Baker in the film Edward Scissorhands , Melinda O. Fee in Nightmare II - Die Rache or Jodi Thelen in A Wedding to Fall in Love .


  • 1973: No pardon for guardian angels
  • 1977: Nonstop nonsense
  • 1979: The tired Theodor
  • 1979: Commissariat 9

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Manuela Renard. In: German synchronous card index . Retrieved August 25, 2012 .