Maratus pardus

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Maratus pardus
Class : Arachnids (arachnida)
Order : Spiders (Araneae)
Subordination : Real spiders (Araneomorphae)
Family : Jumping spiders (Salticidae)
Genre : Maratus
Type : Maratus pardus
Scientific name
Maratus pardus
Otto & Hill , 2014

Maratus pardus is a species of peacock spider that was described in 2014. Specimens of this species were first discovered in October 1994 in Cape Le Grand National Park in Western Australia . Some specimens were caught in the national park in 2013 and described as a new species in 2014.


The male of Maratus pardus has typical orange dots on the hinged fan on the abdomen, which reminded the description of a leopard . The Latin word pardus comes from the ancient Greek πάρδος (pardos) and means leopard in German . Maratus pardus is most similar to the species Maratus volans and therefore belongs to the same group. The males have the following in common with this species: They have distinctive yellow stripes on the side compartments. They wear a fringe of white hair around the entire plate of the abdomen. The bristles, the color and the pattern of the leg hair including the third pair of legs are identical. The structure, position and color of the pedipalps also look the same. The difference in color lies in the central points on the abdominal plate, where there are also stripes on M. volans . The males of M. pardus also lack the stripes on the carapace.

In females, some dorsal points can be used to distinguish this species from other peacock spiders. However, this characteristic already varies greatly within the species. Females of M. volans have a dark prosoma with bright, clearly separated stripes on the sides. The prosoma of M. pardus has a dark gray pattern above and a light gray pattern on the side without a sharp boundary line.

Web links

Maratus pardus in the World Spider Catalog

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Jürgen C. Otto, David E. Hill: Description of a new peacock spider from Cape Le Grand, Western Australia, with observations on display by males and females and comparative notes on the related Maratus volans (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae : Maratus). PECKHAMIA 114.1, May 2, 2014, pp. 1–38, ISSN  2161-8526