Marco Onofrio

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Marco Onofrio (born February 11, 1971 in Rome ) is an Italian writer , essayist and literary critic .


In 1995 Marco Onofrio graduated from the University of Rome with a degree in contemporary Italian literature “La Sapienza” cum laude with a thesis on the poet Dino Campana, for which he was awarded the 1996 International Prize “ Eugenio Montale ”. He is primarily concerned with modern and contemporary Italian literature, with an emphasis on the authors of the 20th century. For some time he has been studying the relationship of Italian and foreign writers to the city of Rome and the traces that their Roman stays have left in their works. His activity as a literary critic is primarily aimed at the discovery and development of new publishing offers.

He published a number of books of poetry and short stories. In addition, he wrote the introduction to various publications and hundreds of articles and reviews for various Italian newspapers and magazines, such as " Il Messaggero ", "Il Tempo", "Lazio ieri e oggi" and others. His stories include the experimental novel “Senza cuore” from 2012, the satirical stories “La scuola degli idioti” from 2013 and the personal emotion-influenced story “Diario di un padre innamorato” published in 2016 his experience of fatherhood is dedicated to his daughter Valentina.

With his dramatic poem “Emporium. Poemetto di civile indignazione ”he anticipated the protest movement of the“ indignados ” - three years before the 2011 essay“ Outrage! ”By Stéphane Hessel . The musician Marcello Appignani drew the inspiration for the composition of his pieces of music collected in the album "Natura viva con oboe, chitarra e violoncello", which were published by RAI Trade in September 2014, from the philosophical short epics "La presenza di Giano".


Essays and literary criticism


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