Marcus Actorius Naso

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Marcus Actorius Naso was a 1st century BC Living Roman historian.

Actorius Naso was a contemporary of the dictator Gaius Iulius Caesar , about whom or about whose era he wrote a historical work mentioned but not preserved by the imperial biographer Suetonius . It apparently had an anti-Cesarian tendency. Among other things, Actorius Naso claimed that Caesar and Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso in the 1960s BC. Planned a revolt that failed because of Piso's death. Suetonius distinguishes this alleged attempt at insurrection from the end of 66 / beginning of 65 BC. So-called First Catilinarian Conspiracies followed , while Sallust considered both conspiracies to be identical. In the history of Actorius Naso it was also mentioned that Caesar had started an affair with the Mauritanian queen Eunoë .



  1. ^ Suetonius, Caesar 9, 3.
  2. ^ Sallust, De coniuratione Catilinae 18f.
  3. Luciano Canfora , Caesar, the democratic dictator . CH Beck, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-406-46640-0 , p. 58.
  4. ^ Suetonius, Caesar 52, 1.