Marcus Octavius ​​(Aedile)

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Marcus Octavius († probably 46 BC) was a Roman politician of the late republic .

Octavius ​​was probably a son of the consul from 76 BC. BC, Gnaeus Octavius . 53-51 BC He was probably a legate of the governor of Cilicia , Appius Claudius Pulcher , and 50 BC. Curular aedile in Rome . After the outbreak of the civil war he commanded naval units on the Pompeian side in the Adriatic Sea under the command of Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus . After the defeat of Pompey at Pharsalus , Octavius ​​was able to assert himself for a while in Dalmatia, but was then defeated by Publius Vatinius and saved himself wounded to North Africa, where the Pompeians continued the resistance against Caesar . In the years 47 and 46 BC Octavius ​​commanded part of the fleet again. It seems 46 BC To have perished.
