Marcus Staberius Felix Primillanus

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Marcus Staberius Felix Primillanus was a highly decorated legal scholar ( iuris peritus ) probably of the later 4th century AD.

According to a pagan tombstone erected by his brothers, he died at the age of 36. The epitaph contains utterances that praise lawyers in various superlatives: as the most excellent ( de primis iustissimus ) and most upright as well as the most educated ( piissimus humanissimusque ) lawyer of the time. The inscription was found in the monastery near the church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli on the Capitol , but has since disappeared. It is preserved through a copy by the humanist Cyriacus of Ancona .



  • Detlef Liebs : Non-literary Roman lawyers of the imperial era. In: Klaus Luig , Detlef Liebs (Hrsg.): The profile of the lawyer in the European tradition. Symposium on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Franz Wieacker. Rolf Gremer, Ebelsbach 1980, ISBN 3-88212-018-5 , pp. 123-198, here pp. 182 f.
  • Detlef Liebs: Jurisprudence in late antique Italy (260-640 AD) (= Freiburg legal-historical treatises. New series, volume 8). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1987, p. 56.

Individual evidence

  1. Codex Parmensis ( Parma , Biblioteca Palatina , ms. Parm. 1191), f. 95 r ; see CIL , Volume VI, 2, p. 1246.