Margot Thebes

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Margot Theben (born February 10, 1935 in Rostock ) is a German politician ( PDS ; Die Linke ).

Theben trained to be a brush maker and studied finance and housekeeping at the University of Finance in Potsdam - Babelsberg . She was represented on the Stralsund City Council from 1956 to 1958 and then worked on the District Council. From 1967 to 1970 Theben was an aspirant and research assistant at the Berlin-Karlshorst School of Economics , after which she was a member of the district council for finances until 1990 and head of department of the district administrative authority from 1990 to 1991. She was also a member of the advisory board of the Brandenburg State Investment Bank.

Theben sat in the Brandenburg state parliament from 1990 to 1999 . Both times it entered parliament via the state list.

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