Maria Babnis

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Maria Babnis (* 1943 ) is a Polish cultural historian . Dr. kust. Maria Babnis worked for many years in the library of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdansk as a research assistant.


She published numerous publications, especially on the cultural history of the Gdańsk area and the library's holdings. The German translations of the titles are also given in brackets.

  • Życie kulturalne Gdańska w czasach zaboru pruskiego (1793-1919) [Cultural life in Gdansk during the Prussian rule (1793-1919)] , part 3, 2000
  • Kaszubi w literaturze niemieckojęzycznej XIX i XX wieku [The Kashubians in German-language literature of the 19th and 20th centuries] , 2000
  • Ustawodawstwo Gdańska w XV – XVIII wieku w świetle zachowanych norm prawnych [Life in Gdańsk in the 15th to 18th Centuries in the Light of Preserved Legal Norms] , 2000
  • Gdańskie ślady powstańców 1831 roku [Gdańsk traces of the uprisings of 1831] , 2000
  • Źródła do dziejów teatru gdańskiego w zbiorach Biblioteki Gdańskiej PAN (XVIII – XIX wiek) [Sources on the history of Gdańsk theater from the 18th to 19th centuries in the collections of the Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences] , 2004
  • Konstytucje polskie w zbiorach Biblioteki Gdańskiej PAN. I. Od Konstytucji 3 Maja do Statutu Organicznego (1791–1832) [The Polish Constitutions in the Gdańsk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences] , 2005/2007
  • Nad Wilną i Wilenką: szkice wileńskie z lat 1791 - 1825 [Vilnius sketches from the years 1791 to 1825] , 2011

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