Maria Lühr

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Maria Lühr (born April 2, 1874 in Horsbüll , † 1969 in Berlin ) was the first German master bookbinder .


Born as a pastor's daughter in Holstein, Maria Lühr first learned art embroidery and became a teacher of the same in the Lette Association . In 1899 she began an apprenticeship with the Berlin master bookbinder Georg Collin and in 1902 was the first woman in Germany to receive the master's degree in this craft. She trained in Brussels , Paris and London and set up a class for the training of bookbinders in the Lette Association, which she headed until 1913. In 1913 she opened her own workshop on Berlin's Kurfürstendamm .

Maria Lühr was an honorary member of the professional association and co-founder of specialist groups. In 1950 the group of female bookbinders and journeymen in Germany was given the name “Maria-Lühr-Kreis”. Bindings by Maria Lühr are preserved in the Gutenberg Museum , the German National Library and the Lette Association.


  • The production of self-made covering papers (colored papers): B .: paste paper. In: The bookbinder's apprentice. Stuttgart (Vol. 1, 1927, No. 12: 91-94)


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