Marianne Buder

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Marianne Buder 1998, Art & Photo Urbschat

Marianne Buder (born April 29, 1947 in Berlin ; † October 23, 2009 ibid) was a German certified librarian and documentation scientist with a research focus on the history of documentation and the development of training concepts for library, information and documentation. She became known as co-editor of the 3rd completely revised and 4th edition of the "Basics of Practical Information and Documentation" from 1990 and 1997.


Marianne Buder was born in Berlin as the daughter of one of the founding directors of Berliner Bank . She attended the 13th elementary school in Berlin-Wilmersdorf and then the Marie-Curie-Schule and passed the Abitur in 1966. She completed her training as a qualified librarian at the Berlin Library Academy in 1969 with a diploma for service in public libraries.

From 1969 to 1975 Buder studied information and documentation science as a major at the Free University of Berlin with Hans-Werner Schober and Gernot Wersig , and she also took courses in German, musicology and library studies. During her studies, she worked as a qualified librarian in Hanover, was a member of the Standing Commission for Libraries (BIK) at the Free University of Berlin and a member of the Curriculum Commission for Information and Documentation Science (IDK-SPK). She completed her studies in 1975 with a Magister Artium under Hans-Werner Schober.

After completing her studies, she took up a position as a lecturer at the Free University of Berlin in the field of philosophy and social sciences , information and documentation science .

At the beginning of 1989 Buder applied for a job at RIAS Berlin (from 1994 Deutschlandradio) and worked there as head of the documentation and archives department until she left because of illness.

Marianne Buder joined the German Documentation Society in 1972 as a member . V. (DGD). From 1981 she worked on their presidium, was elected Vice-President in 1984 and held the office until September 1990. She was particularly interested in the history of documentation. Memberships also existed in the Association of Librarians at Public Libraries e. V. (VBB), in the Association of German Documentaries e. V. (VDD), in Section 7 (Media Archivists ) of the Association of German Archivists (VdA) and in the Berlin Information Working Group (BAK).

From 1973 to 1983 Marianne Buder was a secretary and member of the board of the Philharmonic Choir Berlin e. V. among other things for public relations. The responsibility for the conception and implementation of the activities for the 100th anniversary of the choir in 1982 resulted in a commemorative publication and an exhibition in the Haus des Rundfunks, Sender Freies Berlin, in collaboration with Dorette Gonschorek.
On December 14, 2001 she married Rainer Majchrzak, teacher of German as a Foreign Language (DaF) in Berlin.


Her research focused on the history of documentation. Her master's thesis “The relationship between documentation and standardization from 1927 to 1945 in national and international terms” sees itself as a contribution to this topic. In the following she devoted herself to a. the history of the German Society for Documentation , its founding in 1941 and re-establishment in 1948 and the development up to the 1950s, which is also reflected in her work in the “History of Documentation” working group. She collected historically relevant documents on chemical, technical and social science documentation from various archives and bequests and was in contact with contemporary witnesses.

Marianne Buder's commitment to education in the field of library and documentation is another key point of her work and is represented by her academic work in the research project Integrated Training Concept for Library, Information and Documentation (FIABID) from 1976 to 1979, membership in the ÖB- Curriculum for the development of an integrated training course for certified librarians at public libraries as part of the BID pilot project at the Hanover University of Applied Sciences and by representing Gernot Wersig in the training and advanced training work group of the Information Advisory Board of the Berlin Senate.

From 1981 to 1985 she worked as a research assistant in the research project Information systems as information-political design potential and social development strategy - Information science foundations of organized information and communication as components of individual and social problem solving (INSTRAT) at the project group Informationssysteme GmbH of the Progris company.


  • Buder, Marianne. The relationship between documentation and standardization from 1927 to 1945 in national and international terms . Berlin: Beuth, 1976. ISBN 3-410-10778-9
  • Buder, Marianne and Dorette Gonschorek (eds.). Hans Chemin-Petit. 1977. Consideration of a lifetime achievement. For his 75th birthday on July 24, 1977 . Berlin: Stapp, 1977. ISBN 3-87776-519-X
  • Buder, Marianne. FIABID DELPHI. Results of a Delphi study on future developments in library, information and Documentation . Berlin: Free University of Berlin, 1977. ISSN  0170-8996
  • Buder, Marianne and Gunther Windel (eds.). On the relationship between the state, science and information and documentation. Munich: Verlag Documentation, 1978. ISBN 3-7940-3720-0
  • Buder, Marianne. Library, information and documentation as current and future occupational and activity areas: results of empirical and prognostic studies as preliminary work for an integrated training concept . Berlin: Free University of Berlin, 1980. ISBN 3-87776-509-2
  • Buder, Marianne, Renate Dopheide, Ulrich Neveling, Thomas Seeger, Detlef Skalski, Gernot Wersig and Gunther Windel. Library, information and documentation as current and future professional and activity areas. Results of empirical and prognostic studies as preliminary work for an integrated training concept; FIABID research project integrated training concept library, information and documentation . Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen: Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik, 1980 (Research Report Information and Documentation, 80-009 of the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology). ISSN  0170-8996
  • Buder, Marianne and Petra Schuck. Training in the information field . Berlin: Free University of Berlin, 1982
  • Buder, Marianne. Tradition without meandering. 100 years of the Berlin Philharmonic Choir 1882–1982 . Munich: Saur, 1983. ISBN 978-3-87776-509-8
  • Buder, Marianne and Gernot Wersig (eds.). Informatization and Society. How do we cope with the new information and communication technologies , Munich: Saur, 1983. ISBN 978-3-598-10503-6
  • Buder, Marianne, Rehfeld, Werner and Thomas Seeger (eds.). Basics of practical information and documentation . 2 volumes, 3rd, completely revised edition. Munich: Saur, 1991. ISBN 3-598-21253-4 (set)
  • Buder, Marianne, Rehfeld, Werner, Seeger Thomas and Dietmar Strauch (eds.). Basics of practical information and documentation . 4th edition, completely revised. Munich: Saur, 1997. ISBN 3-598-11310-2

Web links


  1. ^ Later: Institute for Library Science and Librarian Training at the Free University of Berlin
  2. Since autumn 1981 Communication Sciences, Department of Information Science
  3. ( Memento from April 28, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ German Society for Information Science and Information Practice (DGI) and since 2014 German Society for Information and Knowledge