Marie-Antoinette Rose

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Marie-Antoinette Zitane Rose (born June 4, 1975 ) is a politician of the People's Party (Parti Lepep) of the Seychelles , which is currently the leader of her party's faction in the National Assembly .


After attending school, Marie-Antoinette Rose studied communications , English and comparative literature , which she completed with a Bachelor of Arts (BA). Since 2002 she has been the editor of the daily newspaper The People , a newspaper closely related to the then progressive front of the Seychellois People (SPPF).

In 2006 she was elected for the first time as a member of the National Assembly in a by-election on the SPPF's party list and in 2011 she was re-elected for the SPPF, which was renamed Parti Lepep . She is currently the chairman of the Parti Lepep faction and thus the majority leader in parliament. She is also a member of the Parliamentary Association of the Commonwealth of Nations and a member of the Committee on Reforms and Modernization.

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