Marie Barkany

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Marie Barkany in 1901

Marie Barkany , also Maria Barkany ( March 2, 1862 in Kaschau , Hungary - July 26, 1928 in Berlin ) was a Hungarian theater and silent film actress .


The daughter of a factory owner was brought up in an Ursuline convent. During this time she attended the performances of "Don Carlos" and "Maria Stuart" and from then on she was dominated by the ardent desire to become an actress too.

When she came to Vienna to complete her education, she found the realization of her ideals at the Burgtheater.

She confided in Carl von La Roche , who persuaded her parents to train her to be an actress, and Adolf Sonnenthal and Maurice Strakosch became her teachers.

In 1878 she made her debut in Frankfurt am Main. From there she went to Hamburg and was appointed to the Berlin royal theater in 1881.

After she left this stage, she no longer accepted a permanent engagement, but traveled the world as a guest. In 1892 she went to America, where she was no less popular than in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Riga. She was also very successful in Holland. Her voice was compared with that of Hedwig Raabe .

In 1900 she went to Paris with her own troupe to introduce Goethe and Schiller there. She earned the merit of introducing the French public to the first German stage works.


  • 1913: The guilty mother


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Individual evidence

  1. Date and place of death in The Gazette Montreal of July 27, 1928.