Marie Lucie de Poucques

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Marie Lucie de Poucques (* 1913 ; † 1996 ) was a French botanist .


Marie Lucie de Poucques began studies at the University of Nancy . She did her doctorate with Professor Eichmann. Presumably she dealt with the biology and systematics of mosses in her doctoral thesis . She then left France and took up a job in Dakar . Here she researched the biology of algae . She worked continuously with the University of Paris . In the early 1960s, she ended her stay in Senegal to accept a professorship in botany at the University of Montpellier . She then moved to the university college in Perpignan , where she founded and developed the plant biology department. Here she placed a focus on the cooperation with other research institutions. There was a lively exchange with the Arago Marine Laboratory , the Center Louis Emberger in Montpellier and the Paris National Museum of Natural History . Marie Lucie de Poucques worked at the university until her retirement in 1978.


Marie Lucie de Poucques did research on topics of classical botany. She was committed to improving study conditions. So it was important to her to offer high quality teaching in modern disciplines such as molecular biology for students.


  • Renate Strohmeyer: Lexicon of the natural scientists and women of Europe . Verlag Harri Deutsch, ISBN 3-8171-1567-9 , p. 225 f.