University of Montpellier

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The University of Montpellier is the university of the French city ​​of Montpellier . It consists of three parts:

  • Université Montpellier I with, among other things, the fields of law, economics and administrative sciences as well as ecology, medicine, dentistry and pharmacy
  • Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc with natural science departments
  • Université Montpellier III (Université Paul-Valéry) , specializing in literature, foreign languages, humanities and social sciences. French courses are offered there for foreign students. The campus is right next to the Université Montpellier II.


Montpellier is one of the oldest university cities in France.

Already in 980 there was a lively exchange between Jewish, Christian and Muslim cultures in Montpellier, especially in the field of medicine. Medical schools had existed in Montpellier since 1137. In 1180, William VIII , ruler of Montpellier, allowed medicine to be freely practiced and taught by anyone in Montpellier. It quickly became necessary to organize the lessons. The “School of Montpellier” in southern France that emerged here became a center of (secular) medical education alongside the Lower Italian school of Salerno . Cardinal Konrad, a legate of Pope Honorius III. , founded the first medical faculty in France in Montpellier in 1220 with the universitas medicorum .

In 1242 the Bishop of Maguelone confirmed the statutes of the College of Liberal Arts ( école des arts libéreaux ). Around 1260 lawyers gathered in Montpellier.

Nicholas IV, littera cum serico for the foundation of the University of Montpellier

In 1289 Pope Nicholas IV founded a university in Montpellier through the writing Quia Sapientia . Medicine, theology, law and philosophy were among the disciplines of the Studium generale offered .

The Montpellier Medical School reached its heyday in the 14th century. There appeared among other Arnald of Villanova , Bernard of Gordon and Guy de Chauliac . Anatomical sections have been documented there since 1366. In 1384 Johannes de Tornamira (around 1329-1395) was an author of medical works (including on the plague) and personal physician to Pope Clement XI. and Clemens VII, Chancellor of the University.

The University of Montpellier developed into an intellectual center with a high level. Nostradamus studied here in 1529 and in 1531 the humanistic writer François Rabelais enrolled in the medical faculty.

The wars of religion initially put an end to the university's prosperous development. The theological faculty fell completely victim to them, and the activity of the university was increasingly limited to the medical faculty. Montpellier was in direct competition with Paris ; most of the doctors of the kings came from Montpellier.

As part of the French Revolution , universities were abolished. However, many of the professors continued to teach underground. The need to train doctors led again to the establishment of three Écoles de Santé (health schools) in Paris, Strasbourg and Montpellier in 1794 . In 1808 the medical faculty of the newly founded University of Montpellier ( Université impériale ) was attached. In 1816 a faculty for literature was founded, in 1838 a science faculty, which was soon followed by a college for pharmacy. The law faculty was not re-established until 1878.

Along with Paris, Toulouse and Aix-en-Provence, Montpellier is one of the largest student cities in France. With more than 60,000 students, every fourth resident of the city is enrolled in a university.


Web links

Commons : Montpellier Universités  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bernhard D. Haage, Wolfgang Wegner: Montpellier, School of. In: Werner E. Gerabek , Bernhard D. Haage, Gundolf Keil , Wolfgang Wegner (eds.): Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2005, ISBN 3-11-015714-4 , p. 1006.
  2. ^ Bernhard D. Haage, Wolfgang Wegner: Montpellier, School of. 2005, p. 1006.
  3. Karl Sudhoff : Plague writings from the first 150 years after the epidemic of the "black death" 1348, No. 24, Johannes von Tornamira 'Praeservatio et cura apostematum antrosorum pestilentialium'. In: Sudhoff's archive. Volume 5, 1912, pp. 46-53; and Volume 17, 1925, pp. 32-35 (On Johannes von Tornamira Pesttraktat).
  4. ^ Wolfgang Wegner: Johannes von Tornamira. In: Werner E. Gerabek , Bernhard D. Haage, Gundolf Keil , Wolfgang Wegner (eds.): Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2005, ISBN 3-11-015714-4 , p. 702 f.
  5. ^ Bernhard D. Haage: A new text testimony to the plague poem of Hans Andree. In: Specialized prose research - Crossing borders. Volume 8/9, 2012/2013, pp. 267–282, here: pp. 271 f.
  6. Marcel Gouron: Matricule de L'Université de Médecine de Montpellier (1503-1599). Geneva 1957.