Marijn Simons

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Marijn Simons (born December 25, 1982 in Geleen ) is a Dutch violinist , conductor and composer .


Marijn Simons received his first violin lessons at the age of four, and at the age of eight he switched to Davina van Wely at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam. At ten he made his debut with the Violin Concerto by Mendelssohn , then followed by numerous performances with major Dutch orchestras. From 1997 he completed his violin studies with Saschko Gawriloff . From 1996 to 2002 Simons took composition lessons with Daan Manneke at the Sweelinck Conservatory, then with the Scottish composer James MacMillan . He studied orchestral conducting in private lessons with Jean-Bernard Pommier and Ed Spanjaard . Simons is concertmaster with the Aachen Symphony Orchestra . In January 2009 he led the “Simons Ensemble” he founded for the first time.

Simons was composer-in-residence at the Delft Chamber Music Festival in 2004 and at the Cabrillo Festival in Santa Cruz in 2005.


He received the Philip Morris Art Prize for Music in 2000, the Wim Barry Perspektief Prijs in 2005 and the Limburg Culture Prize.

Works (selection)

  • 2014 Emilia Galotti, opera in one act premiered in Koblenz
  • 2008 Symphony No. 3 op.36 (world premiere in Aachen)
  • 2007 Seven steps: opus 38
  • 2006 Welles / nietes: opus 35
  • 2006 Concerto for an odd couple: opus 28
  • 2006 Symphony no.2: opus 33
  • 2006 Carbone notata: opus 34
  • 2005 Desert Garden: for piano, opus 31
  • 2005 Smoking mirrors: for chamber orchestra, opus 32
  • 2005 L'espoir: Saxophone Quartet, opus 30
  • 2004 string quartet no 3: opus 27
  • 2004 Symphony No 1, opus 26
  • 2004 Visiting the angels: Concerto no 2: for trombone and orchestra, opus 25
  • 2004 Mariachi: (de 'A Tí Te Toca'): for violin and piano, opus 23e
  • 2004 Salsa: (de 'A Tí Te Toca'): para dos pianos, alientos, percusiones y contrabajo, opus 23a
  • 2004 Elegy: (from the 'Symphony no.1'): for string orchestra, opus 26a
  • 2003 Mariachi: (de 'A Tí Te Toca'): for orchestra, opus 23b
  • 2003 Five poems by Emily Dickinson: for soprano and string quartet, opus 22
  • 2003 The Circus: for ensemble, opus 24
  • 2003 A Tí Te Toca: para dos pianos y orquestra, opus 23
  • 2002 Concerto fabuleux: pour instruments à percussion et orchester, opus 21
  • 2002 Secret notes: 2 Violin Concerto, opus 19
  • 2001 The fifth sun: for percussion quartet, opus 20
  • 2000 Concerto comique: pour trombone et orchester, opus 17
  • 1999 Concerto d'un bon esprit: pour piano et orchester de chambre, opus 16
  • 1999 Noises in the night: homage to Degawanidah ("The peacemaker") for orchestra, opus 14
  • 1996 Capriccio for Stan & Ollie: for violin and piano, opus 11
  • 1996 Symphony no.3, opus 36
  • 1996 Concert for string orchestra, opus 37

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