Marina Yaguello

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Marina Yaguello (born May 19, 1944 in Paris ) is a French linguist, English and Romance scholar .

life and work

Marina Yaguello had Russian parents, went to school in Paris (Lycée La Fontaine and Janson-de-Sailly), studied English and did agrégation. She taught English in St Cloud (1966), was an assistant at the Sorbonne (1967-1970), Maître-Assistant at the University of Paris VII Denis Diderot from 1970 to 1983, Maître de conférences in Dakar from 1983 to 1986 and from 1986 to 1991 back in Paris. From 1991 to 1994 she was a professor at the University of London , from 1994 until her retirement at the University of Paris VII . In 1984 she completed her habilitation with Georges Kassai, cumulatively with the Thèse Sur les marges du langage. Les femmes, les enfants, les poètes et les fous .

Marina Yaguello has intervened beyond her area of ​​expertise with numerous vulgarizing works in the lively internal French language discussion in an enlightening and anti-purist way.

Other works

  • (Translation from Russian) Mikhail Bakhtine , Le Marxisme et la philosophie du langage. Essai d'application de la méthode sociologique en linguistique. Foreword by Roman Jakobson , Paris 1977
  • Les Mots et les Femmes. Essai d'approche socio-linguistique de la condition féminine, Paris 1978
  • Alice au pays du langage. Pour comprendre la linguistique, Paris 1981 (English: Language through the looking glass. Exploring language and linguistics, adapted from the original French by Trevor A. Le V. Harris and the author, New York 1998)
  • (Ed. Together with Mireille Cifali) Théodore Flournoy , Des Indes à la planète Mars, Paris 1983
  • Les Fous du langage. Les langues imaginaires et leurs inventeurs, Paris 1984 (cf 2006)
  • Catalog des idées reçues sur la langue, Paris 1988
  • Le Sexe des mots, Paris 1989, 1995
  • Histoire de Lettres. Des lettres et des sons, Paris 1990
  • En écoutant parler la langue, Paris 1991
  • Grammaire exploratoire de l'anglais. Grammaire exploratoire de l'anglais. Exercices de syntaxe commentés, Paris 1991
  • (together with Jean-Léopold Diouf) J'apprends le wolof. Damay jang wolof, Paris 1991
  • (together with Nestor Salas) T'ar ta gueule à la récré!, Paris 1991
  • La Planète des langues, Paris 1993
  • (Ed.) Subjecthood and subjectivity. The status of the subject in linguistic theory. Proceedings of the Colloquium The status of the subject in linguistic theory, London, 19-20 March 1993, Montrouge / London 1994
  • Petits Faits de langue, Paris 1998
  • (Ed. Together with Cyril Veken and Catherine Bernard) La langue maternelle, in: Cahiers Charles 5. 27, 1999
  • (Ed.) Le Grand livre de la langue française, Paris 2003
  • Les Langues imaginaires. Mythes, utopies, fantasmes, chimères et fictions linguistiques, Paris 2006 (cf 1984)


  • Qui est qui en France. Dictionnaire biographique 33, 2001/2002, Levallois-Perret 2001 sv