Marjolein Faber

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Marjolein Hillegonda Monica Faber-van de Klashorst (born June 16, 1960 in Amersfoort ) is a Dutch politician of the Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV). Since June 2014 she has held the office of leader of the PVV faction in the First Chamber of the Dutch Parliament .


Faber was born in Amersfoort in the province of Utrecht in 1960 . After graduating from high school, she initially pursued a career in the field of nuclear medicine , including working as an X-ray technician in a hospital in Lichtenberg near Amersfoort. In the mid-1980s, she switched to the IT sector, where she worked as a freelancer for several years. Before entering politics, Faber worked as an IT specialist in financial services for the Amersfoort-based company Stater , which is the largest mortgage service provider in the Netherlands, from 2000 to 2011 . She has been a member of the Provinciale Staten of the province of Gelderland since March 10, 2011 , and a member of the First Chamber of the States General since June 7 of the same year. Furthermore, between 2011 and 2014 Faber worked for Interprovinciaal Overleg , the interest group for the Dutch provinces. Since September 25, 2012, she was the parliamentary group secretary of the PVV before she was elected to the office of chairman of the PVV parliamentary group in the First Chamber on June 10, 2014.

As a member of the First Chamber, Faber was involved, among other things, in drawing up an “Integrity Code of Conduct” for MPs. She also chairs the Standing Committee on Immigration and Asylum of the First Chamber. She is also a deputy member of the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe .


In February 2015, the NRC Handelsblad reported that Faber had hired her son's company to create the website for the PVV faction in the Gelderland provincial parliament. For this purpose, an amount of € 8,500 from provincial funds was used. After it became known, the PVV faction ended its collaboration with Faber's son. Faber himself then paid the amount in question back to the province.

In October 2019, Faber spread the message via the social media platform Twitter that the alleged perpetrator of a knife attack in Groningen was said to have a North African migration background . Even after several witnesses contradicted this account, Faber insisted that he had not spread any misinformation and accused the media of deliberately concealing information about the perpetrator's origin.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b M.HM Faber-Van de Klashorst (PVV). In: Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal, accessed on December 2, 2019 (Dutch).
  2. PVV-lijsttrekker Faber zette bedrijf zoon in. In: February 28, 2015, accessed December 2, 2019 (Dutch).
  3. Stef Altena: Tweet about steekpartij Groningen klopt niet: OM corrigeert PVV senator Faber. In: Algemeen Dagblad, October 7, 2019, accessed December 2, 2019 (Dutch).