Market Location Identification Number

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The market location identification number ( MaLo-ID for short ) is a unique designation for a market location in the German energy market . It was decided on by the Federal Network Agency on December 20, 2016 to adapt the requirements for electronic market communication to the requirements of the law on the digitization of the energy transition and was introduced nationwide on February 1, 2018. It replaced the meter point designation previously used for market locations . Metering locations, however, retained the old metering point designation. The MaLo-ID permanently identifies the respective location after it has been assigned for the first time; a change to the ID is not intended, even in the event of a network operator change , as long as the location exists. The respective network operator is responsible for assigning a MaLo ID to a market location .


Market location

Energy is either generated or consumed at a market location. The object is connected to the network with at least one line. So far, there have been different terms for the designation market location in different legal and regulatory texts. Among other things, the market location was previously referred to as a delivery point , extraction point , exit point , measuring point or metering point . The BDEW proposed a uniform name for the definition, which the Federal Network Agency followed in its definition. Before the MaLo-ID was introduced, the market location was identified by means of a metering point designation , possibly in conjunction with the OBIS code .

Measurement location

A measuring location is a place where energy is measured and which contains all the technical equipment required to determine and transmit the measured values. The measurement location is still identified by the metering point ID.

Relationships between market location and metering location

The market location and measurement location can have different relationships to one another. The following relationships are possible:

1: 1 relationship
Energy is consumed at a market location; this extraction is measured at a metering location (example: single-family house with an electricity meter). Energy is generated at a market location; this generation is measured at a measuring location (example: PV system with a (feed-in) electricity meter.)

1: n relationship
Energy is consumed at a market location; this extraction is measured at several measuring locations.

Example: A system has two network connection points. The energies obtained through these are measured with the help of the measuring locations. On the accounting side and on the billing side, however, these two amounts of energy are combined into one amount of energy, namely as the amount of energy consumed by the market location. The market location has a MaLo ID and the metering locations each have a metering point designation.

1: n relationship in connection with 1: 1 relationship
Energy is consumed at a market location; in addition to the main measurement, there are also sub-measurements for part of the energy consumed.

Example: In a two-family house there is a meter to determine the energy consumption of the entire house. A sub-meter is installed in the second apartment that only measures the energy consumption of this apartment. For the calculation of the energy of the first apartment needs of the Messlokation main measurement the Messlokation sub-metering will be deducted. Two measurement locations are assigned to the market location ( house ). The market locations ( house and second residential unit ) each have a MaLo ID and the metering locations each have a metering point designation.

n: 1 relationship
A metering location calculates the energy that is consumed in a market location on the one hand and the energy that is generated in a market location on the other.

Example: bidirectional meter for measuring consumption and generation. In this case, a metering point designation is assigned to the measurement location and a MaLo ID for each of the two market locations, one for the generating market location and one for the consuming market location.

0: 1 relationship
The energy consumed is not measured; there is no measurement location for this market location.

Example: A market location for which the supplier and network operator have agreed on a flat amount of energy for consumption (flat market location) without the energy being measured (street lights, telephone booths).


The MaLo-ID was introduced in several steps. From June 1, 2017, the network operators could apply for the required number of market location identification numbers from one of the two code issuing offices ( BDEW and DVGW ), after which the network operator assigned these numbers to all existing market locations and tranches in its network area . This process had to be completed by November 30, 2017 at the latest. In the period from December 1, 2017 to January 30, 2018, the new MaLo IDs were communicated to the respective market partners by means of electronic data exchange ( UTILMD ). From January 31, 2018 to February 1, 2018, market communication was interrupted due to the changeover; from February 1, 2018, only the MaLo-ID will be used for market communication to identify market locations, including processes that relate to the period move in before February 1, 2018. The process for introducing the MaLo-ID is available until March 31, 2019 to clarify individual cases, after which the process will be removed from the data formats.


The MaLo-ID consists of eleven digits. In contrast to the meter point designation, it is no longer possible to draw any direct conclusions about the network operator or the type of energy (electricity or gas) using the ID.

  • Awarding authority (1 position) [1-3: DVGW; 4-9: BDEW]
  • automated ID (9 digits)
  • Check digit (1 digit)


  • 41373559241
