Metering point

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Meter point is the term in the energy industry for the point at which supply services such as B. electricity , natural gas , district heating or drinking water are provided to consumers or obtained from producers. The metering point is assigned a unique designation, the metering point designation (ZPB).

A metering point can have exactly one counter, e.g. B. represent the electricity meter of a house. However, several measuring points can also be combined to form a virtual metering point. This can e.g. B. be a company with several transfer points.

The network operators manage the delivery relationships to the various metering points in their network area.


The designation in electricity metering was assigned in Germany from 2006 in accordance with the VDN Directive MeteringCode 2006 (July 2006 edition) . The VDN guideline was replaced in 2008 by the MeteringCode 2006 (May 2008 edition ) issued by the German Association of Energy and Water Management (BDEW) . This code in turn was replaced in 2011 by the application rule VDE-AR-N 4400 "Metering Code" developed by the Forum Netztechnik / Netzbetrieb im VDE (FNN) , which has been in force since then (as of 2018).

The market location identification number (MaLo-ID) was introduced for the competitive electricity and gas sectors in Germany on February 1, 2018 . This replaces the meter point designation for delivery points ( market locations ). The metering locations keep the metering point designation.

Structure of the meter point ID

The metering point designation is composed of 33 digits in both Germany and Austria:

In Austria, a separator - preferably a point - must be used between the four segments.


  • DE 000562 66802 AO6G56M11SN51G21M24S
  • AT.008100.08010.AO6G56M11SN51G21M24S


A metering point can have various properties that are sometimes subject to changes over time (in particular consumption values):

  • Electricity, gas and district heating: whether a standard load profile is used (e.g. H0, G0) or a metering point with a measured load profile
  • The actual network operator: Sometimes it can happen, for example, due to company mergers or other organizational changes, that the metering point is no longer in the area of ​​the same network operator that assigned the metering point designation. In such a case, the name of the metering point is normally retained and the actual network operator is saved in the system that manages the metering points.
  • Supplier, purchaser: a company that acts as an energy trader in the deregulated market and to which the energy quantities measured at the metering point are to be assigned.
  • Balancing groups / balance groups (normally results from the supplier or recipient)
  • An annual standard consumption either calculated or forecast based on previous measurements
  • For feeders: energy carriers (e.g. hydropower, photovoltaics) for use in electricity labeling

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Application help. The new market location identification number. Questions and answers. (PDF) Version 1.6. In: Federal Association of Energy and Water Industries , May 8, 2018, accessed on June 7, 2018 .
  2. a b MeteringCode 2006 - Edition 2008. (PDF) In: Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft , May 2008, pp. 6–9 , archived from the original on November 20, 2010 ; accessed on June 7, 2018 .
  3. Technical rules for electricity metrology. (PDF) FNN info. In: Network Technology / Network Operation Forum in the VDE, September 2011, accessed on June 7, 2018 .
  4. Technical and organizational rules for operators and users of E-Control networks, p. 9 ( Memento from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Retrieved on March 11, 2015 (PDF)

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