Markus Muntean

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Markus Muntean (* 1962 in Graz ) is an Austrian artist of Romanian descent. Together with Adi Rosenblum , he received the City of Vienna Prize for Fine Arts in 2001 .

Muntean has been working with Adi Rosenblum, who was born in Haifa , Israel, of the same age since 1992 . The artist couple lives and works in Vienna .

Muntean / Rosenblum ironically target current youth culture. Lost-looking teenagers pose in classic tableaus. In addition, the artist couple inserts text signatures or speech bubbles. Helplessness, longing and despair are expressed in this way. Muntean / Rosenblum create room installations, publish books and work with large-format, poster-like, realistic painting.

In 2010 the Georg Kargl Gallery in Vienna exhibited works by the artist couple.

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