Martha Fries

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Martha Fries (* 2000 ) is a German actress .

She gained fame through her role as Jessica "Jessi" Amsinck in the tenth season of the children's and youth series Die Pfefferkörner, which was produced in 2013 .


Martha Fries, the youngest of six siblings, attended the seventh grade at the beginning of the shooting of the tenth season of the peppercorns. The high school student's favorite subjects are English , sports and biology . In her free time she plays the saxophone and does the Asian self-defense sport ju-jutsu . She also played a very sporty character in the series. The producers describe her as “a real tomboy, boyish, loud, cheeky, happy and stubborn” as well as “spontaneous, spirited, loud, open, damn brave and extremely sporty”. Martha Fries has been working as an actress since she was around six years old, above all in the theater sector. Fries, who joined the series together with nine-year-old Emilio Sanmarino , who was given the role of Luis de Lima Santos , can also be seen in the 56-minute feature film about peppercorns released in 2013. She also played in the eleventh season of Pfefferkörner produced in 2014.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b Die Pfefferkörner 2014 - The Seventh Generation , accessed on January 24, 2017
  2. Jessi is new to the team! , accessed October 27, 2013
  3. With Luis the team is complete !, accessed on October 27, 2013