Martial d'Auvergne

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Martial d'Auvergne (* 1430 , † 13. May 1508 ) was a French writer of the late Middle Ages .

life and work

Martial von Paris, known as Martial from Auvergne , was a lawyer in Paris. He wrote a history in verse about Charles VII (France) , also spiritual poetry, and a work entitled The Judgments of Cupid . In it he packaged courtly love casuistry in 51 court cases (with pleadings and judgment, as well as, in later editions, legal commentaries in Latin by Benoît Court) and in this way created a text that is unique in literary history and has only recently been called was recognized literarily.


Cupid's judgments

  • Aresta amorum , ed. by Benoît Court, Lyon, Sebastian Gryphius, 1533, 1538, 1546 (with Latin commentary).
  • Les Arrêts d'amour , ed. by Luise Götz, Frankfurt am Main, Diesterweg, 1932 (Diss. Frankfurt am Main 1931); Hildesheim, Gerstenberg, 1975.
  • Les arrêts d'amour , ed. by Jean Rychner , Paris 1951
    • (German) Les arrêts d'amour = The judgments of Cupid , ed. by Karin Becker, Munich, Fink, 1995.

Other works

  • Les Vigiles de la mort de Charles VII , Paris, Pierre Le Caron, around 1500.
    • Les vigilles du roy Charles ou est contenu comment il conquist France sur les Anglois , Paris, Jehan Trepperel and Jehan Jehannot, 1512 (Historiography of the Hundred Years War).
  • La Grant Dance macabre des femmes que composa Maistre Marcial de Paris dit d'Auvergne , ed. by P.-L. Miot-Frochot, Paris, Bechelin-Defdorenne, 1869.
  • Matines de la Vierge , ed. by Yves Le Hir , Geneva / Paris 1970


  • Vilho Puttonen, Études sur Martial d'Auvergne , Helsinki, Société de littérature finnoise, 1943.
  • Emma Stojkovic Mazzariol, Gli "Arrêts d'amour" di Martial d'Auvergne , Venice, Lombroso, 1964.
  • Karin Becker, Cupid's verdicts. Law and Love in the French Literature of the Late Middle Ages , Bonn, Romanistischer Verlag, 1991 (Diss. Bonn 1991).
  • Kathleen Loysen, Conversations and storytelling in fifteenth and sixteenth century French nouvelles , Bern et al., Lang, 2004.
  • Karin Becker, “La danse macabre au féminin: la danse des femmes de Martial d'Auvergne”, in: La mort dans la littérature française du Moyen Âge , ed. by Jean-François Kosta-Théfaine, Villers-Cotterêts, Ressouvenances, 2013, pp. 282–302.

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