Martin Werding

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Martin Werding (* 1964 in Leverkusen ) is professor for social policy and public finances at the Ruhr University in Bochum .

After studying philosophy in Munich ( MA 1989) and economics at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and at the University of Passau (Dipl.-Vw. 1991), he worked as a research assistant at the chairs for economic and social policy from 1992 to 1999 as well as for finance in Passau (Dr. rer. pol. 1997, habilitation 2008).

From 2000 to 2008 he was head of the social policy and labor markets department at the Munich Ifo Institute for Economic Research . In 2007 he was a visiting professor at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo. Since his habilitation in 2008, he has been Professor of Social Policy and Public Finance at the Ruhr University in Bochum.

His main research interests are public finance , social policy (old-age security and family policy ), population economics ( fertility and migration ) and labor market policy .

Martin Werding has been a member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz since 2016 .

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Individual evidence

  2. ^ Member entry by Martin Werding at the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz , accessed on October 11, 2017.