Martin von Drahn

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Martin Anton von Drahn , latinized Martinus Antonius von Drahn , also Martin Anton von Trahn (* before 1650; † 10 January 1715 ) was a physician and professor of medicine at the University of Vienna and a member of the academy of scholars " Leopoldina ".

Martin von Dhran worked in Heiligenstadt-Eichsfeld . He was later a public professor of the medical institute of the University of Vienna and head of the foundation library there.

On March 21, 1695, Martin von Dhran, nicknamed AGAPIUS, was accepted as a member ( matriculation no. 211 ) in the Leopoldina .

In 1706 he was appointed dean. He was made an imperial knight.


  • with Johann Jakob Konrad Vogl: Panegyricus Divo Mauritio Thebanae Legionis Primicerio Inclytae Nationis Saxonicae Tutelari; Dictus In Basilica Divi Stephani Protomartyris. Sub Auspiciis Reverendissimorum Inferioris Austriae Deputatorum , Viennae Austriae, Voigt 1684. Digitized


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